I was feeling a little down yesterday and this morning again.  I'm not sure why.  I actually googled to see if men have the equivalent of PMS, and - believe it or not - it sounds like there is a hormonal cycle for men too.  Hahaha!  Perhaps its that!!

I've been doing so well since joining dietbet several weeks ago.  My wife and I had a disagreement last night, and I'm the type of person that when I get upset, it sticks with me...whereas she can just shake it off quickly.  To make matters worse, I'm an emotional eater.  Before you all palm your forehead, the good news is that since I'm logging EVERYTHING on MyFitnessPal - I DIDN'T SCREW UP YESTERDAY, despite the emotions.  This morning, I stepped on the scale...I'm so eager to declare victory on my first 10% weight target...but the damn scale said 244, which is *up* 1.5 lbs over what it said yesterday.  I know its irrelevant in the grand scheme of things - but it just got me a bit down, since its been delivering me consistently good news lately.

Perhaps, the honeymoon period with weight loss is ending.  But damn dudes, the honeymoon was fun wasn't it?!  :) 

I'm also on my last 2 courses to get my MBA.  I'm the first in my family to ever get a masters degree, so I'm eager to make that happen, but its been a long a difficult road.  I kind of want my life back...I guess it will happen soon enough.  I need to suck it up and be thankful that I've had the opportunities I've had.

Today - I'm *hoping* to go downhill skiing with my 5 year old daughter this afternoon.  I also feel an awesome workout after that...mostly because she is just learning and this overprotective dad is working HARD to get my kid skiing right.  Alpine ski boots and gear probably weight 10 pounds or more, so walking around with all that gear on, bundled in super warm clothes, is like a mini-sauna.  It will probably be less of a physical burn once my daughter gets independent/good, because I won't need to be constantly chasing her.  My wife works night shifts on the weekend at the hospital, and getting out of the house while she sleeps during the day is good for all.

Hopefully a trip to the ski hill is the answer to the bumps in the road today.  Lets hope next time I write I'll be in a better disposition.  Have a good day all!  Your comments and support are really invaluable on this journey, so thanks to all of you new friends out there!!