I’m so tired of reading about how diets don’t work and how this is all hopeless and I need to spend my time doing something else!

I’m glad that there is a conversation going on about the topic. I’m glad that we know, scientifically, that it IS very difficult to lose weight and having a hard time, or even failing at it is NOT a reflection of our strength of character. I’m glad that the overall corruption of our fat phobic society, and the power of advertising, and how the beauty industry makes us feel that we aren’t good enough is constantly being pointed out now; perhaps we can find some peace and have more realistic perspectives.

However, I’m NOT glad that as much as I’m reading insightful, encouraging things I’m also reading how this is hopeless and that I’m basically vain and selfish for even trying. That isn’t any better than the negative messages we are fighting against (eg fatphobia, photoshoping, “miracle” diet pills, and “cleanses”, companies like Abercrombie, etc).

If I want to lose weight to feel better about myself, to make my knees and ankles last longer, to keep my back strong, to be healthy and happy, then why should anyone or anything tell me that I can’t?!  Just because it is difficult doesn’t mean it is impossible! Grrr! Does anyone else feel this way? 

I know that losing weight isn’t easy. I know true success may very well rely on me finding healthy ways to manage stress and to eat mindfully rather than shedding a few pounds. Those things are not easy either. They are possible though. There are success stories everywhere. I’m going to hold on to hope and keep telling myself that I am worth it.  You all are too!