Today was great! Do you know why? Because I MADE IT GREAT. So basically I went to sleep really early yesterday. Like 10PM. First aweosme thing: my body woke up naturally at 5:21 AM. Had this been the old me I would have chuckled and gone right back to sleep. But I did not! I seized the oppertunity and I got up to prepare myself for the day. I made breakfast leisurely, I took my weigh-in picture, I drank a couple of cups of green tea, I DID YOGA. I had an awesome morning! 

Then I got to school. Compared to other days I was RAVENOUS. I had oatmeal for breakfast too. Something that is realtively filling but it was not enough today for some reason. And then it clicked. I woke up at 5:20 today I usually wake up at 6:20! My body needed to be fed! So I anxiously waited for lunch. Lunch was really Blah unfortunately. The tofu sou was good but the bean sprout salad and the "pilaf" left me wanting.

I ate my snack at around 3PM. I had celery and peanut butter for the first time ever. I was kind of scared that I wouldn't like it but it tastes good! I'm convinvced that I am just simply I love with peanut butter. Then I got ready to go home. The bike ride home was completely shit. It took me so much longer and so much more energy to get because it was ridculously windy!!! I don't know if any of you have ridden when it was super windy outside but it is like a constant uphill battle. That bike ride took so much out of me that I was questioning wether or not I could do my 8km scheduled run. I was so close SO CLOSE to just leaving it for tomorrow. But I said no and I got my shit together and went running. You know why? I'd like to say its because I'm awesome and I have the power to shut off all negative though but that was not it. IT WAS YOU GUYS. Every single person on this bet with me that is fighting. I felt really emotional then and I thought that I didn't want to let me down. I didn't want to let you guys down. AND I RAN. I RAN AND IT WAS AWESOME. 8.88km!!! Mind you it was still windy as hell making my run more difficult but I found my tempo quickly thank goodness. It even started raining towards the end! But to be honest I was happy because I was sweatinnnnng. I got home took a nice long shower, made my dinner, read some Game of Thrones and went to sleep. And that my friends was a perfect day. Not because the conditions were. (God knows the weather was awful today.) But because I know that I have it in me to push when I think that I can't anymore. I have you guys!! <3


Day 16


  • Breakfast: Oatmeal with Cranberry, Walnuts, and Almond Milk
  • Lunch: Tofu Soup, Rice Pilaf, bean sprout salad
  • Dinner: Baked Chicken and sweet potato, with steamed green beans and red peppers
  • Snacks: Peanut Butter, Celery, Protien Powder Shake, 2 pieces of Chocolate candy

Sleep: 7.5 hours

Water: 2 Liters

Excercise: 8.8km jog/walk