
I got about 3 hours sleep last night. I was stressing about my Dr. appointment because of the pain I have had for several years in the right side of my abdomen plus I have depression so with all my other ailments going on right now this appoinment was one I did not want to go through. So the doctor gave me the quiz on depression and I am severly depressed which I already knew but was in denile so now I get to take a perscription for that oh yeah one more pill to add to the other 18 pills.  The Doctor was examining my abdomen pressing down around to organs in there and I was not expecting the pain in one of the areas where she pressed. It was like a sharpe knife going through my side I almost jumed off the table it hurt so much. Once I left the doctors office I was really depressed so I went and bought a burger from burger king once I got done eating this food I said I wouldn't eat for 6 months I just started to beat my self up then I realized that this is not good for my weight loss jouney I just need to adapt and overcome. so I don't get to eat any thing else for the rest of the day. That is my punishment for that but if I can't resist then I have an amazing garden salad already prepared. Sorry about the rant it has been a bad 18 months for my health and I don't want to use that as an excuse to get off track.

The really bad news was the Dr. don't want me walking in the pool yet or placing any weight for very long on my leg but I can still ride the statioary bike on low or no resistance and I can do light weight upper body aerobic type stuff. Like shadow boxing with 3-5 pound weights. The bike only every other day. So now I am back on track no more excuses.