This is it folks! One more day and I weigh out for this month's bet. Dare I say that I have done it?! It's so funny because our weight fluctates so much in a day. My money is riding on my body's cooperation!

Yesterday went really well nutrition wise. I had banana pancakes and greek yogurt with berries for breakfast. It was yummy! Then for lunch we had Ramen. So I was not exactly elated because one that is a lot of salt (I've never paid attention to salt content before! EVER! this is the diet bet's doing!) and two those are really simple carbs. Solution? 30 minute walk after lunch! At least the walk helped me digest it. I was feeling really full (because I got seconds of the veggies >.<)

I got home and proceeded to put my clothes on for running. It's amazing because recently the excuses haven't even been forming in my head. Because it is something that I do immediately after I get home I don't even have to think about it. If I have a run scheduled for today I'm doing it. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Also, non scale victory. I've been feeling a lot more confident about myself lately. Yesterday I went out running in shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Me wearing a sleeveless shirt is a big deal because I used to hate the way my arms looked. But I'm really starting to like them! Now that I have gotten serious about working out I see these little muscles starting to show and all I am thinking about is "Grow, GROW!" Of course they are still jiggly and they probably will always be to an extent but I want the world to see how far I have come. I'm proud of my body! It's not where I want to be and being proud of it is really new to me but the reason I started this in the first place is to gain that self confidence that I never had. And here I am doing it. YES.


  • Breakfast: Banana Pancakes, Frozen blueberries and strawberries, greek yogurt
  • Lunch: Ramen with vegetables, pork, broccoli and corn salad
  • Dinner: Steak, Veggie Stir Fry (Zucchini, Spinach, Onion, Orange Bell Pepper, Shitake Mushrooms, Olive oil
  • Snacks: Protein Shake, Peanut Butter, Celery, Stupid Cookie that I couldn’t resist

Sleep: 7.5 Hours

Water: 4 Liters

Exercise: 6 km walk/jog/run