I'm pretty excited about having found DietBet yesterday. I'm looking forward to the added financial motivation. It's taken me a long time to get into the right mindset for making some changes and losing some weight.

This isn't my first weight loss journey. Even though I've gained almost 100 lbs since June 2011, up until that point, I was doing really well. In the two previous years, I had lost about 50 lbs and I felt great. But everyone knows that life throws you some curveballs. (Over)Eating became a coping mechanism for stress. And the worst part is that the stress wasn't necessarily from negative things - just changes in my life.

But now I'm ready. My head is in the game. I'm going to find a way to fit exercise into my daily routine because I do not have any excuses. I have a treadmill in the basement which I actually enjoy using. I don't have kids who require my attention. My problem is that I have a loving husband and I want to do everything for him: keep the house tidy, cooking our favourite (blanket apology for all Canadian spelling to be found in this blog) foods, and the like. It takes a lot of time, but what I've been doing is not healthy for either of us. "Quality time together" has become watching TV for hours. That's not good for us, and it's going to change. At least for me...

Having embarked on a weight loss journey before, I know that it doesn't work unless you're truly self-motivated. I had a bit of a eureka moment yesterday - I'm not even sure what happened. I just know that I'm ready. And you know what that means, right? I'm going to rock these bets so watch out everyone - here I come!