I woke up with the best intentions...I woke up on time, I prayed, picked out a decent outfit--even did my make up! I carefully measured my grapefruit for breakfast, packed a portioned lunch, grabbed my water bottle and I was out the door. 

I really had the best intentions. I even replied to one of Shaun T's comments, saying that I was going to pack my lunch and avoid the cafe. I work on a college campus, so there is always food around. I thought I would just eat my lunch at my desk and do some online shopping. But then, my friend asked me to go to the cafe with him. "What's it going to hurt," I thought "I will just take my lunch with me!" Everything was fine, until I got to the cafe. 

Seriously, they had everything I could have ever wanted. EVERYTHING. INCLUDING AN ENTIRE TABLE OF DESSERTS. 

I caved. I couldn't stand it. I had the Tortilla soup. I had scoop of macaroni salad. Iced tea. Tiramisu. I felt kind of bad about it. Not bad enough, apparently.

But when I think about it. I actually didn't do that bad. I limited myself to ONE helping of anything. Usually, I'd be on round 2 or 3 of the soup before I was ready to quit. Granted, the bowls are small--but that's no excuse. And I definitely would have had more macaroni salad (it was banging today, too!) 

So, even though I didn't do what I planned to do, I paced myself and, for once, didn't over eat. That's a win for me. 

I'm drinking lots of water, also, which tends to be a problem for me. Another win. 

I've still got the rest of the day and a workout ahead. 

If you're struggling today--take it from me: Its never too late to turn things around. Focus on what you can do better tomorrow and what you can turn around today!

Go get em, Tiger!