I used to blog profusely a few years back. My entire life had fallen apart and blogging about the process of putting it back together simply helped me make sense of it all.

Here I am at a point of the journey where there are only two things left that I want from this life, and both of them are on the other side of this weight wall.

That's why I'm here.

That's why I'm starting a one year dedication to taking off this weight.

I've broken the journey into four parts -

  1. Hyper focus/building momentum. May 30th to Aug 31st - I have done a lot of work shifting things around in my life to give myself pretty much the summer with no obligations so that I can focus 100% on this weight shift in my life and hit the ground running hard. Health, fitness, and food will be my obsession for the summer.
  2. Shift back into normal existence with continued weight loss. Sept 1st to Nov 31st (this portion of time includes a trip to Paris which will obviously pose great challenges with food) In September I need to pick up my life again, but the plan is to have built enough momentum that nothing, not even the trials and tribulations, and stresses, of life will derail me at this point. This section of the journey will be about real life weight loss, about habits I've changed, what I can sustain, what needs modified, what needs let ride so I have a life that now supports continued weight loss.
  3. Shift focus to more body sculptling issues. Dec 1st to Feb 28th - While weight loss will continue, this is the portion of the journey where I really want to focus on muscle and sculpting the body I want. I'm not doing all this just to lose weight, when I'm done, I want a healthy, sexy, feminine body.
  4. Final push. Mar 1st to May 30th - It's too far out to plan what will need to happen to reach my ultimate goals by May 30th of next year, but this portion of time is dedicated to bringing the journey home.

I'm opely inviting anyone else who wants to travel the road with me, to join me here on DietBet. I have a game going with the Ohana that I will just keep renewing for the next year. The pot isn't very big, you won't win a ton of money with me, but I'm always about the journey, the connection. I am going to lose this weight, I'm willing to bring anyone along with me who wants to go the distance and needs someone to walk with them.

I have lived my entire adult life overweight. My weight has always felt like some sort of protection in the world and I like it. But I cannot have the life of my dreams and hold onto it, so here I am, risking everything and stripping bare to see what life on the other side of this 120 pounds looks like.

To the journey. May it be richly blessed and incredibly successful. - Samantha