Hello, everyone! My name is Brittany and I am new to DietBet. I am hoping to lose about 40 pounds total, but for the Transformer challenge my goal is to lose 15 pounds. For years I have tried to lose weight, with not much success. Last year, I started exercising and incorporating healthier foods into my diet. I managed to lose about 10 pounds doing this. It was the first time I've ever actually lost weight. Ten pounds is 10 pounds, but I just wished I had done more to lose more. I wasn't consistent with my efforts. Some weeks I would exercise 5 days a week, others I skipped the whole week. I want to consistently put forth the effort into being healthy and I believe the results I want will follow.



    My main problem with my weight loss journey has been emotional eating and maintaining motivation. I am currently working on tackling the emotional eating side of things, and then I found Dietbet, which I hope will keep me motivated on a daily basis. I always start off strong, when I decide to be healthier, but the motivation never lasts long.


     I never follow diets or plans. I am interested in a more old fashioned and healthy way...the right way. I believe that through portion control, eating healthier foods, reducing processed foods, and exercising on a daily basis will get me there. It has to be something I can stick with for the rest of my life. I am learning how to balance and eat in moderation. If I want a piece of chocolate, I can have it, as long as I am not eating it all of the time. Here's to a healthier me!!!