After a lot of deliberating and debating with myself the past few days about the fact if i should enter this DB, the decision was kinda made for me the second i saw the number on the scale... the highest number i've ever seen ! *shocker* well not really, what the hell did i expect after sitting on my butt for about 3-4 months :s

the main reason why it took me a while to decide was FEAR: of failling, of dissapointing, of losing, and suprisingly of succeeding as well... that was amazing to me how succes can be feared too... cause the thought hit me: how will i feel, what will i do next, how will i maintain, ...

All that freaked me out even more so i decided to do this differently than i normaly would: forget the big picture, take it week by week. not even month by month, cause if you think about it 30 days is a lot to picture and program/schedule in your head. but everyone always has a pretty good idea what their week will look like, and how everything is going to fit

So here it is the plan for W1, since i have a week of exams left i'm not going to push myself to shop/cook/eat really healthy. i just don't have the time now and i don't want to amp up the stress-level. these are the new habits i want to install (notice i'm not using 'rules', cause that word just makes me want to rebel :p) :

- substitute soda/pop/fizzy/sugary drinks for water and tea

- drink tea after every meal

- drink 2L of water a day

- everytime i finish a chapter do 20 squats/crunches

i know this doesn't seems like enough but that's the whole point, to have an easy start, cause of the exams and not to shock my body too much in this first week just to let it fizzle to a stop.

lets do this! STUDY - DRINK - SQUAT (- REPEAT lol)