Christopher G.

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DietBet Winnings: $482.77

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Christopher G.

04/02/2024 3:25AM in Lose 4% in 8 Weeks
So my summer house doesn't have a full length mirror and I live alone. What are my choices to photograph my weigh in? Can I just set the phone on the other side of the room with a timer?

Cindy D. likes this comment.

Cindy D.

Yes - I have done that. It takes a little finagling but once you have a system it works nicely. Now I use a selfie stick/tripod I bought for traveling - that works great!
Christopher G. accepted the challenge.
02/28/2024 5:14AM in $500 in BONUS PRIZES! FEBRUARY 21st GAME!
The pot is now $8,800

Birgit R. , Jenn and Kandice , Bridget M and Julee N. like this accomplishment.

Christopher G. accepted the challenge.
02/28/2024 5:00AM in $500 in BONUS PRIZES! FEBRUARY 28th GAME!
The pot is now $7,400

Birgit R. , Jenn and Kandice and Lexy like this accomplishment.

Christopher G.

02/20/2024 3:22AM in $500 in BONUS PRIZES! FEBRUARY 14th GAME!
Argh... only three weeks left and all I've done is gain weight. Nothing like a little pressure to increase my focus.

Joe X , Corey B. , Tina H. and Jenn and Kandice like this comment.

Sara Lynne

Youve got this!!! Its not too late

Tina H.

Still plenty of time. You got this!!