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WayBetter Kristin

01/21/2024 11:00PM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $10,000 in prizes!
  • Since I'm currently in Walt Disney World, it is only fitting that we kick off this week with a quote from Walt himself!

    The way to get started is to top talking and begin doing.

    How long have you found yourself talking about taking the steps to better your health, but you haven't started or kept up with the "doing" part?

    For me, it feels like ages... All the talking about the steps I need in place to keep me successful, instead of just jumping right in and learning as I go. That is one of the things that has changed a lot over the past year. I have lost weight in the past with an all-or-nothing approach, but this past year I've adopted more of a continuous improvement attitude.

    How about you? Does this resonate?

    Share with us!

Jaclyn Marie , Lani T. and like this photo.

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Courtney W.

Mindset and attitude are so hard not or me! This year I’m really focusing on long-term improvement!

Amber P.

Definitely resonates. I’m kind of a mixed bag here….. takes me a bit to get started but once I do I hit things hard and can be in that all or nothing as I’ll be all about it and making great moves then something minor could happen and I get back to the nothing phase. Motivation/support lacks and causes backslides. Working on trying to change that cycle.