Secret Exercise and Social Media....Day 10


07/31/2014 8:34AM
You're doing a great job handling ways to get your exercise in despite your working arrangements. I love the idea of doing squats & wall push-ups in the bathroom. If that's the only place to get it done, then do it!!! Girl, we always make up excuses why we can't exercise, but now there's no excuse. You've given us the answer to our prayers. YAY!!!

I'm not on Facebook, & my friends & family are constantly trying to get me to open one. I'm not interested. It's funny though.... I don't have a Facebook page, but I love interacting with all of you (my Dietbetter family). We all have a common goal: to get healthy & lose weight. So, whether you're on Facebook or not, there's always gonna be haters no matter where you go or what you do!!! The next time somebody has something negative to say, don't get upset about it; just say "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!!!' Then smile & walk away. Don't give them the power to get you upset. They're not worth your energy. Keep up the good work!!! :-)

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