Habits for the long haul..


06/19/2015 8:08AM
I mostly quit drinking a couple of years ago-- not to be virtuous about calories or health or anything, but because I was just doing it too much. Now, when I drink it makes me feel gross. I get hot and dehydrated really quickly. I mean, I still drink wine with the girls every now and again, and I still have a stiff cocktail after a particularly stressful day, but like 1-2 drinks every couple of months. My point is just that it loses it's luster. Sometimes I'll pour a drink and take a sip and that's it -- I'll never finish it. A few years ago I NEVER would have neglected and abused alcohol so terribly-- hahaha! The calorie counting aspect helps me, too. There are quite a lot of "skinny" wine brands out now. They're a little thin and sad, but worth a shot if you haven't tried them. Anyway, baby steps are steps! You can't change a habit overnight, and it sounds like you're doing GREAT for two weeks. The food will get easier (I'm told, hahaha...). You've got this. Keep up the hard work!

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