Where to go from here....


01/31/2016 8:33AM
OMG Brit! Is there anywhere you can file a grievance against this tyrant? He is totally unreasonable and out of his tree. Does he own the business? Is there someone higher up that you ALL can go to? HE is the one who should be replaced. This is harassment/discrimination. He's created a hostile working environment that is affecting your health. If you're not able to report him to someone higher up or a union, then see if there is a legal firm who would take on the case and receive payment if they win a settlement. There are firms out there. Google it. I'm glad you're looking for a new job but talking to a lawyer might be better therapy than even a therapist or yoga. Stress will keep weight on and make you gain. Call or email a lawyer asap. There are laws against this type of treatment. Threatening to fire everyone is against the law. If you need to talk about this further, no.paiin.no.gaiin@gmail.com

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Cali, he is the company owner of a small business, so there is no one above him. There is no HR department to handle any of these issues. I've discussed the issue with a few people, asking if maybe he is breaking the law, but we are not sure if that could be considered breaking labor laws. Our state is an at-will employment state, so an employer does not have to provide any reason to fire someone. I might have to look into the labor laws in my state to see if I have a case or not. For now though, I am doing my best to stay sane and try to focus on the positive.


By all means, stay sane! :) Ya know, karma's a bitch and one of these days it's going to come full circle and kick his butt. He can't treat employees like that and expect to keep a business running smoothly for long. Stay strong, Brit.

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