Hi My Beautiful DietBetter Family!!!

I'M BACK!!! Sorry I've been MIA. Since I came home, I haven't had any desire to go online to check in or do anything. I've just been in a funk. I've been in sooo much pain, and with the exception of going to different doctor appointments, I've been in my bed (still not getting much sleep either). :-(

Today's a new day though. I made a conscious decision to get my butt out of bed and start focusing on getting back on track making healthier food choices from this point on. Well, not today - I'm eating a piece of red velvet cake as I write this. LOL!!! Hey!!! As I always say: I've got to get my mind right so that I can get my body TIGHT!!! LOL!!! 

In regards to my health, my back pain hasn't gotten better. It seems to have gotten worse!!! That's why I've been in a funk. I really miss going for walks and getting my workouts on, doing my line dances, and participating in step challenges. I'm sooo limited to the things I can do because of this debilitating back pain, and I HATE IT!!! My doctor wants me to get another MRI to see what's going on. At first, I swore off back surgery, but with all of this pain I've been dealing with for so long, I don't know..... I just have to wait and see what my options will be, and then I'll go from there.

I'm still dealing with this persistent cough too. I saw my GI doctor yesterday, and I have to get an endoscopy/colonoscopy on 3/24. That's the earliest appointment available, and that's okay. I've been dealing with this since July, 2015, so waiting another month won't hurt. LOL!!!

Anyway, I'm back now, and that's what matters most. I've got to get back into the swing of things. It's not gonna be easy, but in the end, it will definitely be worth it!!! :-)

Miss and love you guys!!! Thanks again for all of your love and support. I really appreciate it!!! HUGS & LOVE BACK TO YA!!! :-)