I wrote this blog to share my progress with my other DietBetter Family Members who aren't in a challenge with me. Gotta keep them in the loop!!! :-)


I challenged myself to do a minimum of 5,000 steps a day for 30 days. Today is Day 4, & I'M DOING IT!!! I even impressed myself by getting in over 12,000+ steps yesterday because I've been unable to do it due to severe lower back pain. Oh yeah: I'm still dealing with it; yesterday was just a good day!!! LOL!!! I can't promise myself that I'll be able to do a repeat performance today (feeling the back pain - LOL), but as long as I get in my minimum 5,000 steps, I'll still be on point with my personal step challenge. :-)

Always remember: Nobody can stand in the way of you accomplishing anything but YOU!!! If you want to make a change, get off of your butt & JUST DO IT!!! You don't have to walk or work out for long periods of time; just start your workout journey even if it's for only 5 minutes & then increase it as it gets easier. You can do anything you set your mind to do, so EXCUSES BE GONE!!! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANY!!! LOL!!! (Unless you're sick or injured.)


FYI - Today is Day 9 since I got back on track, & I'm down 8.8 pounds!!! WOOHOO!!! I'm sooo proud of myself!!! I had a couple of invitations to go out for dinner, but I declined & said we can reschedule it when I've lost my first 20 pounds. (That'll be my planned "treat" meal.) Who knows??? I may not want to go off track til after I've submitted my weigh-in on 9/30. Hope I'll be strong til then. I'm going to SC for my sister's birthday (9/28), & I'm gonna need a little cushion because I know I'm going to indulge on her special day. My big Sis' passed away on 2/7/12 from lung cancer, & every year, my family, friends, & I get together to celebrate her life on her birthday & the day of her Homegoing (2/7/12). Gotta win Round 1 of my Transformer Challenge. Wish me luck!!! :-)