I am NOT a morning person, yet for some reason, I do best when I exercise first thing in the morning. For the past year or so, I tried working out right when I got home from work. That didn't work out so well, as I get home and I am tired from working all day and I am ready for dinner. This resulted in many skipped work-outs.

   Since I started Dietbet, I knew I had to move my work-outs to the mornings to be consistent. So far I have stuck with my morning work-outs and it really isn't so bad. I have been waking up a full hour earlier and I seem to have more energy throughout my day because of it. Today, however, is a completely different story. I snoozed a little after my alarm initially went off, then I woke up 15 minutes later than I should have. I didn't have time to drink my morning cup of coffee to wake me up, and I tried to go straight into my work-out. For the entire warm-up I continuously gagged. 


   I have always had this problem of gagging and being slightly nauseous super early in the morning if I try to do anything... even eating too early in the a.m. Does anyone else have this problem? Typically, I have to wake up 30 minutes before I actually need to be awake, just so I can wake up and not be nauseous from still being half asleep, if that makes any sense. I could not continue with my workout this morning because of it. I am not sure why my body has this problem. Nevertheless, I get off of work early today since it is Friday and I will reschedule my Butt, Hips, and Thighs Daily Burn work-out to right after work. No flaking out today!