I'm not at all sure how a person is supposed to stay motivated when nothing they are doing is working.  I got a new job recently, and now instead of sitting in my car for an hour to get to work, I work for 40 minutes, every morning!  I walk most evenings, and I have a young puppy who I take for walks in the evening as well.  I monitor my intake and my calories, and I'm not a poor eater.  Yet, there has been no change!  The one pound that I lost has come back, so I can't even say that I lost one pound.  I've been to the doctor, there is nothing physically wrong, I just can't lose weight.  I don't know what I'm doing wrong anymore.  According to my Fitbit I've walked 26 miles this week, and I haven't exceeded my calorie count once.  So why am I still a fat tub of goo!?   If walking, and getting up early with the dog, and eating properly isn't going to make any difference, why should I do it at all?