I merrily asked a grad student this once when I was working on my undergraduate degree.  He immediately flew into a mild rage saying, "Not everyone has one, you know?"

Taken aback, I asked, "Has what?"

"A wife."

"Oh," I replied, "I didn't ask that.  I wanted to know how your LIFE was...."

So, wives and husbands aside, " How's your life?"

Does every ounce of love you put in come bouncing back a thousandfold?  I certainly hope so!

That's how life should be.

Except that it isn't always that simple.

SOMETIMES every ounce of love that gets thrown in seeps into a big black hole never to be seen again.   That's where all of mine's been going lately.

That's okay.  Shh!  I'll tell you a secret!  Do you know where that black hole leads?  It's a funnel to God's Treasure Box!  Yep.  Love isn't wasted.  It doesn't dissipate or disappear!  It gets turned into huge, beautiful gem stones inside God's black treasure box!  So don't give up!  Don't lose hope!  Don't stop loving!  God will give it all back and then some when the time is right.

God bless you on your quest of healing, wholeness, wellness. and love.  May you be richly blessed.