You are Stronger Than You Think

Put me in coach

03/16/2015 9:59AM
Thx's for your encouragement..I totally agree on the calorie counting I'm amazed how that little change has helped me also along with exercise & keeping positive...good luck to u on the last couple of pounds!
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Janine C.

Hi Connie, start small, like 20 min daily walk for 1 week. Print a monthly calendar. I do weekly goals (this week is 10k steps per day) or it could be exercise 4 days (videos, running, gym class, etc). Set something specific that's reachable for You. I bought a Fitbit and it helps me stay active, any fitness tracker is good motivation and the goals are helpful having something to reach by week's end. Structured DVD workout programs that are calendar based are great for seeing your progress. I love checking boxing off on a calendar! Message me anytime for support. You can do this!!

Put me in coach

Thx Janine C...those r really good tips...I'll let u know how it goes! I joined another DB that will end on 4/14...I like the small goals so it makes since to do the same with exercise! Stay safe

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-13.2 lbs



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