This is my 3rd consecutive DietBet and I've finally been able to stick to my plan of losing weight after a lifetime of yo-yo dieting. YES!!  I'm within 5 pounds of my high school weight. Feels so good to accomplish a goal and know that I can do it.   I didn't I think I had the willpower before to really makes changes and do this.  I figured I only had $30 to lose and would just try it.

Don't ever underestimate yourself!  You are stronger than you think and have everything you need to succeed RIGHT NOW. 

It hasn't been easy--but it's all about combining small things and daily intention that combine to make a BIG difference.  I've committed to exercising every day and tracking All of my calories, which has probably helped the most.  Losing weight really is 80% diet.  After doing this since mid-September my food cravings are mostly gone (I still have small treats) and I've learned sensible portions and focusing on eating "real food".

It's amazing what can happen when you just keep your head down and keep going even when there are bumps in the road.