I am trying to decide if I am wanting to do something like a protien shake for breakfast for the next 4 weeks or a very healthy fruit mix. Today I mixed the two. I drank a protien shakeology shake and ate a bowl full of yellow meated watermelon. Mmmmm my favorite. I believe I will go with fruit and maybe a hard boiled egg because protein shakes are the worst in my opinion. 


I didn't finish mowing the yard yesterday because it was 100 degrees by 11:30. TOO HOT. So I am going out right now to finish. Last night I finished the day off with 65 situps, 40 leg raises, 85 crunches. Along with 25 on each leg of fire hydrants, and donkey kicks. Today I plan on doing the ab challenge again and bring the treadmill inside so I can walk inside where it is cool and NO snakes or scorpions. 


What do y'all eat for breakfast? OR what are you planning on for breakfast the rest of the game?