I learned some sad news yesterday. This particular piece of news brought some major nostalgia for this dietbetter.

For the short almost 38 years I have lived on this planet I have experienced the death of a lot of friends and family, I am typically one that handles this type of news pretty well and am not often moved. There have been a few in my life that have definitely affected me more than others.

The funny thing is that the ones that have a bigger effect on my emotions does not necessarily mean that individual had a bigger impact in my life. In fact I have been known to be able to brush off the loss of some extremely important people in my life. This has made me wonder on what it is exactly that makes some loss more potent to others. However, I am not going to get into that here. 

This particular incident is centered on an individual that I have not seen in 20 years and was of the same age as my Dad (which may be one of the reasons I was so impacted by this, the fact that my dad is getting to those years that people just start moving on to the next journey). Steve Larsen was a Scout Leader of mine, a father of friends, and a great example of good health and living life to the fullest. Though subtle, he did have a pretty large impact on my life and I am saddened by this news. 

It is strange that the news of the passing of someone I have not had in my life since my youth had such an impact on my emotions. This also makes this journey I am on to claim good health more important, to extending the time I have, to make time spent with my wife and kids more special, and to appreciate my friends in all walks of life more and improve those relations. Our journey we are on impacts many aspects of our life and sweetens each moment. I am glad to be doing this with you.

Hello my name is Travis and I am fat, I am here to heal myself.