I first joined Dietbet the somewhee around Thanksgiving.  The first Dietbet I joined started the day after Thanksgiving.  I then found another one I wanted to join as well becuase I felt like having the motivation was going to be just what I needed to get me going.  I was on the fence in the beginning though about starting more than one.  The idea of losing 4% of my body weight in 4 weeks was extremely intimidating.  I hemmed and hawed for awhile and found a second one I wanted to join if I did by chance do 2.  


Eventually, I gave in and signed up for it too.  It had already started and I think it was 4 days in when I joined I think.  I then did some more digging into the idea of Dietbet because prior to a Fitbit friend inviting us to the first game I had decided to join, I had never heard of it before.  My first weigh in was 179.6 and my second weigh in a few days later was 180.0.  I was really scared because my first two goals were 7.2 pounds.  I don't think I have ever lost 7.2 pounds in a month before in my life.  


If you read my transformation blog, you will see I have only struggled with my weight since I was about 21.  I was thin and a healthy weight all my life until some Doctors starting pouring prescriptions on me that it turns out I didn't need.  The prescription medications only made me gain a lot of weight and made me feel even worse than I had even started out at.  I really had such a positive attitude after my car accident and my only focus was to get better and re-enter and finish college.  I have no idea why my Doctor initially thought I was depressed and started me on medication in the first place.  Other that the fact that my head injury had caused it harder for me to be able to focus on my school work which around finals time tended to stress me out.  If I could go back to that point in time I would have never started the medications at all.


All of that is beside the point here anyway, so back to my Dietbet Journey and I will eventually get to my the title of my blog, I promise.  


Then, I found out we could be in up to 3 4% in 4 week Dietbets and up to 3 of the 10% in 6 month Dietbets at the same time.  I was still a little scared in the beginning.  I had not been exercising much (other than a very recently renewed interest in my Fitbit and lowering my step goal and focusing on meeting that goal every day for 30 days in a row.  I thought I would go all in anyway and see how it turned out for me.  I joined a third 4% in 4 week Dietbet weighing in at 177.6, and also joined a 10% in 6 month Dietbet weighing in at 176.6.  


To be honest the 10% in 6 month Dietbet sounded the best way for me to go in the beginning because the weight loss is at a slower pace and also forces you to stick with it for a longer time period.  This is the type of dieting I had done the last time I lost 50 pounds or 25% of my body weight.  I had some ups and downs back then from 2009-2010, but in the end I lost it and kept it off for 3 years.  I had started gaining back after 2 surgeries in 2013.  Again, sorry not the point here.


I decided I would also join a 6 month Dietbet in January and would join my third (since we can have 3) in February.  


I had a couple of tricky times where my weight stuck or went up a tiny bit, but all in all, I won all 3 of my Dietbets that took up the month of December.  I weighed out at 171.1, 171.8, and 170.5.  I also weighed out for Round 1 of my 6 Month Dietbet at 170.5.  I was thrilled.  I had no idea I could lose that much weight in one month.  


During these Dietbets, I had met my current step goal every day for 30 days in a row and increased it by 500 steps.  I started out right before joining Dietbet with a goal of 5,000 steps, so it got increased towards the end of these games to 5,500 a day.  I also started using my AeroPilates Reformer and my Sit 'N Cycle again.  I strove for exercising besides steps at least 2-3 days a week.  I started doing Yoga again towards the end of December too.  I have a few fitness apps I used a couple of times too.  Starting to get back into exercising was feeling amazing!  Also, I started monitoring my food minding portion control and moderation of the things that weren't as good for me and started focusing on eating lots of protein again.  I was really feeling great as I rolled in 2015.


I was so floored by my success, I joined 3 new 4 week Dietbets in January and joined a 2nd Transformer or 6 month Dietbet in January as I had promised myself.  For the 4 week Dietbets, I weighed in at 169.7 on one that started Jan 1; 170.6 on one that started Jan 5, and 168.6 on the third one that started Jan 12.  I also weighed in at 170.6 on the Transformer or 6 month dietbet that started Jan 5.  


I have been monitoring my weight on both of the scales that I have in my home on this journey so far.  I have been going down from week to week on one of them, and it always gives a very consistent reading.  However, I had been using my Fitbit Aria scale for verified weigh-ins and I had a lot more trouble losing weight as per this scale this month.  It went back up a little after my initial weigh-in as shown here.  I would lose on the other and stay the same on the Fitbit scale, or I would even go up on the Fitbit scale sometimes.  I was super frustrated and really was starting to feel defeated.  I asked myself loads of questions all the way through this period wondering what I was doing wrong.  After about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks into the January games, I started doing yoga about 5-6 days a week in addition to walking my steps.  I was always meeting my calorie deficit goal I had set for losing 2 pounds a week, so I could meet my Dietbet goals.  It just didn't make sense.


Well then I got a battery notification for my Fitbit scale, so I had a mini ah-ha moment and said, well that must be it.  I replaced the batteries and then it started reading ERR.  I then waited for brand new out of the package batteries and tried again and it still reads ERR.  I looked up this message in the Fitbit community help section and discovered that other people have had this happen to them too.  Many of them stated that Fitbit says it is a malfunction with the device and have replaced it for them if it is still under the 1 year warranty.  I then started going by my other scale.  A huge weight was lifted off my shoulders at this point.  I keep continuing to lose weight too.  My Fitbit scale would be nearly impossible to get the same weight even 2 times in a row when I needed to submit weigh-in photos.  My other scale is ALWAYS the same until I eat or drink something after I get up.  It is amazing.  I have continued to lose weight and it is still showing my progress.  Even after I call Fitbit support, I am going to continue to use the other scale for weigh-ins from now on because it is way more reliable.  


Well now that leads me to what I changed in January as far as my diet and exercise and how that is working for me.  As I mentioned above, I started practicing Yoga 5-6 times a week now thanks to my Gaiam TV subscription and their guides.  They have guides or a series of videos that all revovle around a central theme.  In December, when I signed up for my Gaiam TV subscription, I joined the 12 Days of Gratitude series.  I completed the first 2 days, but then the holidays brough family and all of their craziness, so I strayed away from it for awhile.  I did Yoga from youtube a few times and from my Fitstar Yoga app.  I exercised some with my Fitstar app or my AeroPilates or Sit 'N Cycle... but about midway through January I dove back into the 12 Days of Gratitude series.  


This was a total turn-around for my whole life when I did this.  I have liked Yoga for a few years, but have never kept up a practice for very long at a time ever.  I am a completely reformed Yogi now.  I really love it and it is the part of my day I most look forward to.  I finished the 12 Days of Gratitude series and then completed a couple of other videos from their site before beginning a new guide.  I had already joined the 21 Days of Commit to you guide that started 1/5/2015, and I had saved all these videos to my playlist too, but had not started them yet.


I also met my 5,500 step goal for 30 days in a row in January and then increased my goal to 6,000 steps a day.  I still use my AeroPilates and Sit 'N Cycle on occasion, but right now walking and Yoga are my main forms of exercise.  I tried to start the c25k app in January too, but this was really difficult for me to do indoors without a treadmill and it took my energy away from other exercises I prefer over jogging.  I have this on hold for possibly trying again this spring or summer when I am ready to increase my activity some more. 

Now onto food.  I have really been doing great ever since I started dietbet with my calorie deficit goal.  However, I did decide to start adding a lot more fresh fruit to my daily food intake.  I still strive for at least one meal high in protein too.  By doing these two things, I hardly ever even crave any of the junk foods I used to consume anymore.  When I do crave them, I still have them if they fit into my calorie goals, but I mind my portions.  


Needless to say, I have won my first two 4% in 4 week Dietbets that have ended from January so far.  I weighed out for my first one at 162.4, and my second at 160.6.  That's right!  I lost 10 pounds in the second one.  I had no idea that was ever even possible for me.  Yet, I did it.  I attribute this to the help of Teresa Marie from the Eat Drink & Be Skinny Dietbet series and her blog http://eatdrinkandbeskinny.com/ for reminding me to focus on adding color to all of my meals and snacks.  Honestly, I think eating fresh fruit every day has really helped me a lot.  Well that and my renewed love of Yoga and my dedicated practice of 5-6 days a week with it.  I have also weighed out for my second round of my first 6 month Dietbet at 160.6 also, and have been verified as a Round winner there too.  I have my next weigh-out Thursday for Round 1 of my second 6 month Dietbet, and my third 4 week Dietbet from January weigh-out next Monday.  I am well under both of those goals too, and I plan to only keep working hard to lose more before they arrive.


I have already signed up for 2 new 4 week dietbets this month weighing in at 161.8 and 160.6.  I already have my third 4 week Dietbet planned for this month which starts February 18, and my third 6 month Dietbet planned that starts the same day.  I am so ready to keep going that even I almost can't stand my excitement for my newfound love for exercising and eating better.  


My goals for my weights for my 4 week Dietbets in February are going to bring me back to around the top end of my goal range I maintained my weight loss at the last time I lost weight.  I went from 200 to 150 from September 2009-July of 2010.  I maintained a weight range of 150-155 for about 3 years until after I had two surgeries for Endometriosis and had a tube and ovary removed in January and September 2013.  My lowest goal I have received from Dietbet so far for Feburary is 154.2.  It sounds easier with the 6.4 pounds being lower than the 7.2 when I started.  However, I find that 4% is just as tough no matter what the pounds are.  It's going to be tough, and I am likely to have a plateau this round due to my weight loss being so much the past couple of weeks.  My 6 month dietbet that I am not even joining until February 18 (so that it runs through the middle of August to give me some time after my family vacations end this summer to trim the extra pounds back off) is going to be really tough with my end goal being under the lowest I was able to achieve the last time I dieted.  I am not sure it is really smart to shoot that low at this point, but as long as I keep up my walking and doing my Yoga, I think I have a real shot at it this time.


As I mentioned before, my current step-goal is 6,000 steps a day.  I have met this goal for 10 days in a row so far since I increased my step goal from 5,500.  Since I started monitoring my step goal on a 30-days in a row plan, I have not missed a day yet.  I started with 5,000 in November about a week before I joined Dietbet.  Before that, my average was between 1,000 and 3,000 a day.  I wanted something that was achievable for me, but something that would push me to get up and really try to get it each day.  I then got the idea from someone in the Fitbit friends group who said when she lowered her goal - she set a 30 day goal.  She said if she met it every day for 30 days, then she increased it a little bit, and if she missed it one day she would start again at Day 1 the next day.  I have taken this idea and applied it to myself as well.  I strive for 30 days in a row and when I meet it 30 days I increase it by 500.  Increasing it a little bit at a time like this doesn't really seem much different, but it keeps me moving every day.


I also have been keeping up with Yoga from Gaiam TV 5-6 days a week from the middle of January through now.  I recently started the 21 Day Commit to you Guide.  I completed Day 1 Sunday night/Monday morning before going to bed, and am going to complete Day 2 Monday night/Tuesday morning before bed as well.  I still use my AeroPilates Reformer a few times a month as well as my Sit 'N Cycle a few times a month when I want to change it up a little bit as far as my exercise goes.  I am going to need even more exericse this month to push through any walls or plateaus that might want to try and stop me.  I have recently found a smattering of Challenges for Feburary in different areas.  I originally started this blog with a title of February challenges, but I wanted to write out my story with Dietbet so far before posting these challenges.  I like writing out my story from time to time, so I can look back in the future and get a sense of the journey from a viewers standpoint.  I do it, so I can remember what I felt like going through it when I am sitting on the other side of the journey after it's over.


I first found a 100 mile month challenge.  This one was from Teresa Marie and her website:


Or the facebook page:  


I know this one is going to be a little tough, for me since I will have to walk more than my step goal a few times a week to keep up.  However, I am up for the challenge.  There is even a tracker you can print to help yourself keep track of your progress.  I have completed 2 days so far.


The second challenge I found was a squat challenge, I found posted in the Fitbit Friends Group.  It sounded a little intimidating, and I almost didn't print this one or start it.  However, I decided I would never know if I could do it or not if I didn't try it, so I gave it a shot.  I have completed 2 days so far.  https://www.facebook.com/events/714326682016721/  I do not know if this link will open if you are not a member of the group, so I will also try to post a picture of the challenge after I post this blog.  


The next challenge I found was from another of my favorite Dietbet hosts:  The Sisterhood from The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans:  http://shrinkingjeans.net/  The Challenge is called Lose those Love Handles:  http://shrinkingjeans.net/2015/01/lose-the-love-handles/ 


Lastly, my third Dietbet host this month Cassey Ho has a couple of challenges available this month.  I signed up on her site: http://www.blogilates.com/ for her newsletter.  I also downloaded her app, and she can also be found on Youtube where I subscribed to her channel.  Pilates is a second love of mine after Yoga and I do want to become more active with it too.  I am taking it slow right now with my 5-6 Days a week Yoga Practice, but my next goal is to shoot for using my AeroPilates reformer 2-3 Days a week too.  I also want to start following some of Cassey's videos... but I don't want to do too much too fast here.  However, I did print her 30 Day Butt Lift Challenge Form.  The Butt Lift Challenge is on her website, and you can print it and mark off your days as you go along too.  I am following this too.  She has another monthly challenge series on her site or her app, but I have enough on my plate right now, and I will perhaps venture into those in the future.  I have finished 2 days of the Butt Lift Challenge so far.


I am really excited for the month of February and all of the challenges I have accepted for myself.  I am sorry for not sharing these challenges any sooner for anyone who wishes to start them, but you can always start late and finish them into the first week of March if you wish.  Since Feb only has 28 days, I will be into March before finishing some of them.  


I am kind of starting to ask myself at times if maybe  I am doing too much too fast, and wondering if I will kind of fizzle out with the challenges.  Yet, right now since they all start off slow and build over time, it only takes me about 10-15 minutes to complete the day for each of the challenges right now.  The Yoga videos are between 30 and 60 mintues for most of them and that's how they were last month, so to answer myself at this point; no I don't think it's too much to ask right now.  Some of the challenges even give rest days.  I think they are great additions to what  I have been doing so far to help me push a little more.  I think what would have been overboard was to try to do the instense several video a day calendar from Cassey Ho at this point in time along with the Yoga and everything else.  She does have a beginner version though.  I think I may check it out in a few weeks or maybe next month after I finish all of these chalelnges.  


Also, I found one of my Dietbets for March too if I feel brave enough to try it one more time after possibly getting dangerously close to the point I couldn't lose below last time.  It is Mandy Ingber's Yogalosophy Dietbet.  That one and the Blogiliatees ones sound like great ones for me to add with my two favorite hosts I have discovered so far.  I really have enjoyed this month with Courtney Crozier from the Biggest Loser too.  She is doing another one for Feb too.  I really wish we cold be in 4 at times.  


Do you see any challenges you like that you would like to participate in too?  Are you participating in any challenges or programs this month?  If so, please share them with me.  Share your Dietbet or fitness experiences with me too! 


In Love and Light, Blessed Be Dietbetters and anyone who reads this!