Men throwing me off


03/11/2015 9:31AM
Hi!It's so great that you have been able to open up and share this story as I am sure many people relate. Sometimes I feel like I am the opposite, when I am in a relationship (now in a marriage happily for a year) I get comfortable thinking that "the other person loves me enough". When I suppose it's not really about there other person, it's about us. We have to do something so,so tough which is learning how to care for ourselves. Women are so great at taking care of everyone but when it comes to taking care of ourselves, for ourselves we drop the ball. I think you really need to write down all the positive things you love about yourself and keep them somewhere you can reflect on them if you are having a hard time. If you struggle making the list maybe you can take yourself on a date, learn all about those amazing qualities YOU have and see what an amazing person you are! Don't let anyone bring you down when you have the power to bring yourself up! Best of luck!!

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