Sometimes the scale and I just don't agree.  I wake up. I feel thinner than the day before.  I step on the scale.  The scale says, "You wieigh the same  yesterday."  I say "Boo! You are being so mean to me!  Why can't you play nice!"

I go to my closet and grab my favorite pair of jeans.  I put them on.  I notice there is no struggle, no pulling, no tightness.  What is this? Whose jeans are these?  These things are so baggy that I pull them on and realized I didn't even bother to unbutton them or unzip them to do so.  Dang it!  Where's a belt? I think someone has switched my clothes because these things just keep falling down!  Wait!  These are mine!

Scale - you mean nothing to me but just a silly number now.  Jeans - I'm sorry but you'l'll have to be replaced.  I can't go around looking like I'm a little girl trying on my mommy's big girl clothes.  Darn the luck!  Oh wait!  This is exactly what I want as I have a pair of jeans in my dresser that I refused to get rid of swearing I would one day wear the again.  There they are, buried under clothes that I had to wear as I got bigger and bigger. 

My fine fabulous jeans, can we be friends again?  Yes - you fit quite nicely.  A little snug, but that's ok.  I can put you on and wear you comfortably throughtout my busy work day.  How very nice of you to wait for me to find you and fall in love with you all over again.  So my fine pair of jeans, I am not sorry to say that you too will become a thing of my past in short order, but for now...the love fest is on!