I'm surprised to see how easy it is to make the right decision while engaged in a DietBet game. It seems so much easier to cut down on my portions - which is one of my biggest problems. In the last few days, I have been reminded that I can actually feel satisfied when eating smaller portions. I don't feel deprived; I am not hungry; and, I actually feel way less bloated than usual. It's been a very good 'light bulb' moment for me. One that will serve me quite well between now and the final weigh-in for this game.

We celebrated my birthday last night with a big traditional French Canadian meal. My mother-in-law makes great food! It was easy to turn down seconds because the first helping we were served was larger than I would have wanted. And then she came our with a brownie cheesecake for my b-day cake. Brownie cheesecake?! I've never ever heard of that before. It was covered in caramel sauce and everything. It would have been extremely rude to refuse a piece of the cake which was bought for my b-day so I served myself a tiny sliver. The family laughed at me for the size of my piece, but I was happy with it. To be honest, if I could have gotten away with it, I would have turned down the cake but sometimes you have to keep the family peace, right? :-)

My goal today is to make sure to go for a nice walk outside. The weather is still quite cold here (where the heck is that Spring I ordered months ago?!) so I might be the only one who wants to venture outside. But I'll do it.

Getting some exercise is quite important because not only am I trying to work off that huge dinner from last night, today we are celebrating my hubby's birthday. It's going to be another day of big meals and birthday cake. This has made me realize how much we use food to celebrate. Generally, I don't have a problem with that concept but with the number of events we will be celebrating in April, it just seems like we'll be going out to the restaurant and making big meals too often. When hubby and I finally get around to doing something together for our birthdays, I will suggest it not be food-related. Maybe a long walk in the nice nature trails near our place? Perhaps taking out our bikes if the weather can warm up a bit (nudge, nudge, Mother Nature!)? I could use some suggestions if any of you have some you would like to share.