Well Today is the first day of my commitment to be fit!!! And for my first day i would say it was a major success! but the first day always is, isn't it? I have always been great about starting things when it comes to my health and fitness but it's finishing that i have a problem with. This includes my birth control as well as Synthroid, never can keep up with those completely either.  So I have made a day by day checklist of both the 14 day boo-ty challenge and the 30 day challenge for this DietBet game!! by having something daily on my bathroom mirror that i need to interact with by checking it off, i am hoping it will really keep me going and motivated!!! If you want the checklist i can e-mail it it anyone who would be interested in doing the same :)


So today I walk 1.6 miles taking my dogs to the dog park to play fetch, instead of driving like i normally do. I joined my husband at the gym where i did about 1.9 miles on the elliptical keeping my target heart rate above 139. I also did some quick ab exercises as well as walking lunges that really kicked my butt!!! It's like the warm up for the rest of the challenge that starts tomorrow and I am pumped!! Let's Kill this!!!!!