Christy S.

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DietBet Winnings: $48.20

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Brittany W.

04/27/2024 9:23AM in Instant Loss Spring Into Wellness
  • How I lost 16.6 pounds in 7 weeks:
    1. I stopped listening to what everyone told me I should be eating and tapped into what I know to be true for my body specifically. I decreased my processed food intake (even the “healthier-for-you” ones) and increased my fiber and lean protein.

    2. I increased my water intake. I simply had not been drinking enough water. I now average between 1/2 gallon and a gallon a day.

    3. I off-loaded stress. Some of it is unavoidable but over the last couple months I’ve done what I can to minimize stressful situations and increase things that calm my nervous system.

    4. I started going to bed early again. I like to fall back into my old patterns of staying up reading, or binge watching shows till midnight, while snacking on “healthier-for-you” chips. It’s a comfort that isn’t serving me in my current goals so it needed to go. I try to be asleep by no later than 10:30pm.

    5. I try to hit between 7,000 and 10,000 steps a day.

    6. Recently I incorporated fasting in order to facilitate autophagy and hopefully help my body heal a few things I’ve been struggling with on a cellular/internal level. It is changing my life. I highly suggest reading Fast Like A Girl by Dr. Mindy Pelz.

    7. I have not cut out everything that brings me joy. I’ve still had ice cream cones, chips, wine, cocktails, French fries, and pizza! I just limit those things to sometimes foods instead of all the time foods. I’m mindful to limit myself to a portion when I consume them and I pick the “healthier-for-you” option over the traditional, because my autoimmune disease flares so easily when I don’t.

    My book Instant Loss on a Budget is 83% off on Amazon, making it only $4.34!! It has over 125 recipes, meal plans, grocery lists, and a lot of advice. Let me know if you have any questions!

peanutbutterislove , Christine J and like this photo.

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Cindy D.

I’ve just started reading your book - got it in the mail last week. Looking forward to using it!!

Cindy D.

These are all things I do, too, except going to be earl - it is something I should work on. It’s amazing how much it adds up in a positive way when you are consistent with healthy habits!

Brittany W.

05/01/2024 11:05AM in Make it Happen May!
  • Welcome and hello!
    For those that don’t know me, I’m Brittany Williams, the author of the popular Instant Loss Cookbook series. I lost 125 pounds 7 1/2 years ago, but over the last two years I regained 40 pounds.

    I think a common misconception is that after you lose the weight, that’s the end of the road, but did you know that nearly 90% of people who lose weight regain it within the first year? Maintenance is hard and instead of feeling shame over regains we should embrace them as part of the process because they are normal!

    But normal or common doesn’t = comfortable. After sharing about this struggle on Instagram I was encouraged to start a DietBet game so that those of us who are currently in need of some additional motivation could have a bit more encouragement during this season.

    Since January, with your help, and the incentive that this challenge provides I’ve been able to release 26 pounds!!

    Let’s band together and keep focused on keeping the promises we make to ourselves. We can do this together! And I am so glad that you’re here.

Shewil , Vanessa K. and like this photo.

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Christy S.

  • Here is my receipt from today..thank you.

Tabitha Y.


Brittany W.

04/29/2024 7:17PM in Make it Happen May!
It’s almost time to weigh-in!! You do not have to weigh-in tomorrow if you’re not ready. You just have to submit your first weight within the first two weeks. Let me know if you have any questions!

Janna G. , Dora C. and like this comment.

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Christy S.

Hi there.. I have the same issue.. I weighed and submitted yesterday, now says I need to submit my weight..why?

Mikaela B.

How do I use my weigh out photo from last months challenge to carry over to this one?

Christy S.

04/29/2024 11:33AM in Instant Loss Spring Into Wellness
  • Woo hoo! I made my goal! And good job, everyone..whether or not you made it! You joined this competition, so you are going the right direction..

Christine J , Kelly T. and like this photo.

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Brittany W.

Great job Christy!

Cindy D.
