Christina R.

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Christina R.

05/01/2024 10:47AM in Make it Happen May!
I am ready for this! Didn't make it to my goal weight the last two games. Did very well the first game. The weight went up and down the second game. Now hopefully I will make the scale move and make my goal. I am increasing my water intake. Hopefully that will help a lot. I am ready to start feeling better in my clothes.

Janna G. , Megan M. and like this comment.

Brittany W.

I love this. Sometimes the scale doesn’t budge but our body composition changes. Welcome back, let us know if we can do anything to help you along the way. I would love for you to see that W this game.

Christina R.

Thanks Brittany. One of my biggest struggles is just knowing how much to eat. I don't feel like I eat a lot. I am not a big snacker. I also feel like I have to stick to eating salads to make the scale move. I have been trying to move more and get my workouts in because I feel better. For example, I made the Teriyaki Chicken and I wasn't sure how much of the veggies and chicken to have. Counting calories doesn't work for me. But I do want to be accountable for the amount of food I eat.

Christina R.

04/07/2024 6:12PM in Instant Loss Spring Into Wellness
This whole weight loss thing is so confusing. Eat this, do not eat that, take protein powder. Years ago when I used myfiness pal I would like my breakfast in and would be almost half way with my protein for the day with just two eggs. Sometimes I would add turkey bacon. I would love to get down to about 125. Every time I work out the scales goes up. Idk what to do. I do not eat more when I work out. I usually only eat three meals a day because I am not hungry. If I get hungry I will make a smoothie with just fruit and ice no added sugar. I drink unsweetened tea and water, except for coffee with creamer in the morning. I am only 4’10” and I am almost 200 lbs. I am uncomfortable and I want to lose this weight but I get discouraged especially when the scale creeps up and not down. I started writing down what I eat and when the scale goes up just to see if I notice anything. This week I will push harder to drink more water and try to work a little hard at the gym or add a walk in during the day.

mydbveryeasy , Elena B. and like this comment.

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Katharine B.

I’d also like to make a nod toward outside factors as well. Having so much stress and frustration around your weight can actually make your body retain it even if you are eating what you feel is correct or within your guidelines. Also, make sure you’re getting enough sleep. With a two year old that can be very challenging I know. You got this and you should be so proud and positive of what you’re doing here :)

Christina R.

Thank you all for all the advice. Stress is a big one for me. I have a senior and high school who is about about to graduate and he is kind of having a hard time with it. A few years back a reached out to my doctor and asked for my thyroid to be looked at and he ran test but came back normal. I would love to find a doctor who was willing to take time to listen. I went to one and I was asked have I tried working out for 6 months consistently. My husband says consistently is the key. This DietBet has been helpful to keep me wanting to try to aim for the small goals. All the advice is awesome. I know what works for some people doesn’t always work for others.

Christina R.

03/20/2024 7:43AM in Instant Loss Fit For Life!
I am just over my half way of reaching my goal. I really hopeful to reach it and if I reach it maybe do another DietBet. This is the first thing I have tried to keep my self accountable this I feel is working for me. I enjoy reading all the positivity and the rooting for each other. I am just hoping that I can finally push past the 170s and get into the 130s. I just had a daughter two years ago and I want to be the best role model for her and be able to chase her around. I want to show my boys that things may be hard but if you push back harder you can reach your goals and be successful.

Elena B. , Sarah M. and like this comment.

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Cindy D.

Yes! You’ve got this!!

christine c.

You got this. She posted another bet today to start when this one is done