
69 members $40,019.28 won 123.2 lbs

Caitlyn B.

01/04/2018 5:39PM
Hello everyone,
How can you expect others to love the way you look if you don't? I just created a new group called Confidence is the Key to Beauty. Join my group today for inspiration and helpful tips on how to boost your confidence and learn to love yourself!

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12/20/2016 3:24AM
How is everyone? Been quiet in here.

christina m.

10/20/2015 12:38PM
Anyone Active in Here?

lilrunner likes this comment.


I am on and off on here,

christina m.

so ok take care everyone

Megan T

08/31/2015 10:13AM
Just joined this group...any tips for those of us who are trying to lose the last 3-5 pounds. It's not easy! I'm in the middle of a DietBet game now, halfway point. Need to kick things into gear!

Heidi G. and christina m. like this comment.


07/07/2015 10:44PM
Hi everyone - set up my first dietbet as a coach today 😀

Please join me! I'm really excited!!

Katie C.

04/01/2015 2:04PM
I'm wishing I did not put up money for this weight loss challenge...not sure what I was thinking. At the time, I felt like it was an equal feat for anyone to lose 10% of their body weight but now I realize (too late) that this "% weight loss" strategy does not even the playing field at all! The closer one gets to the baseline of what the human body should weigh, the more difficult it is to lose weight. A 400 pound person will have an easier time losing 40 lbs than a 100 lb person will losing 10 pounds and that is just a fact. I guess I"m just bitter that I did not realize this early on and now I see that I'm going to likely lose all of my money because my body simply will not shed the last three pounds I would need to win this challenge. I workout five days a week (either running 3 miles or doing 40-minute strength training videos) and eat a 1700 calorie diet and my body is just done losing weight at 127lbs. Anybody else feel this way (i.e. that this game is not fair for us)?

Adriane S.

Hi Katie...have you had any luck in the last two weeks since this post? I know it's difficult to lose weight when we are working with a low starting weight. Just wanted to see how you were doing.


Hey, I just joined diet and I'm excited for the added encouragement and tips from other members. You don't want to over exercise so I wouldn't really add anything there, other than maybe alternating a run for a swim or bike ride etc. As for your diet, I know that changing things up can really help get things moving again. 1700 calories consisting of calorie dense foods like shakes, dairy, nuts, fats etc is not going to do you much good. Try switching your calories to low density foods that are low in fat as well. Sub apple sauce for oils, use non-dairy milks, eat more plants and beans. You didn't really go into detail with what you are consuming, but this is a good start. Good luck!


03/12/2015 6:04AM
Wondering how folks deal with people telling them they are "already skinny" and don't need to watch what they eat, pushing food on them at parties, etc. I especially feel bad when people say things like, "If you're on a diet, there's no hope for me!" I never know what to say. I don't want to be underweight, but I want to be VERY trim, and I hate being made to feel guilty about it. I don't think people are trying to make me feel bad, but they do!
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Adriane S.

In my experience, the more specifically I justify my actions the more offended people may become ("oh I don't work out so I watch what I eat" might offend someone who neither works out nor watches what they eat). So I try to go the "this is just what I'm choosing for myself, I'm not judging your choices" route. Good luck the next time you encounter someone who talk to you in this manner.


Thanks Adriane, that was actually exactly what I needed to hear. I don't need to get into specifics and give people more ammunition or reason to feel judged by me. I'll just chalk it up to a personal health choice and try to quietly shift the conversation to something else.


01/29/2015 8:01AM


Rosanna S.

12/30/2014 11:41AM
A friend shared this challenge on Facebook and it seemed like the perfect boost to help me start the new year in the right way! I'm 5'2 and 121 pounds. I gained 18 pounds over the last year because of a particularly stressful year (house construction project, my 4 kids presented some real challenges, etc). After much effort, I've managed to lose 10 of those pounds, but it's been really difficult to lose the last few, especially during the Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas time of year. I'm ready to cross this off my list in 2015! I'd like to end up at 115 pounds, and build some more muscle mass at the same time.

lilrunner likes this comment.

Katie C.

12/29/2014 7:38PM
Hi, I am 5'3" and 138 pounds. The lowest I've been in 15 years was 115 pounds and the highest has been 142. I just joined the Transformer game so I'm trying to get down to about 125lbs, which is my ideal weight. I'm really motivated so I'm excited to get started! But it's also kind of depressing that it seems to take my body a good four weeks to realize it's time to shed even a single pound, and that's with 5-day a week workouts and 1500 calorie diets. It sucks. So I just need to make sure I stick through that first, tough month where I seemingly get no payback.

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