
I want to look better and become healthy.

Quick Facts

Favorite Sinful Food: Mint and chip icecream

My Preferred Method of Exercise: Walking / swimming

My Approach to Weight Loss: One day at a time

My Weight Loss Program: I don't follow a program

My Diet Plan: Keto

Fitness/Exercise Apps: RunKeeper, MyFitnessPal

Fitness Devices: I don't use a device

DietBet Winnings: $7,445.93


Coach Level

Recent Photos

Friends (3278)

TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
-4.5% Since last weigh-in-10.2 lbs
-4.5% 1-Month Change-10.2 lbs
+21.6% Lifetime Change+38.6 lbs

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I've Helepd People Lose Over 8900 lbs in DB games!
by - 09/18/2015 10:12AM

Since becoming a Diet Bet Master Coach I’ve helped people lose over 8900 lbs. I love being a Diet Be... Read More ›

Marcy likes this blog post.

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Hey Lady!!!!! I'm ready to get back into this and have the time to be serious about it! Are you starting a bet on Monday?That's when I'm looking to start!


WOW!! You are doing amazing!! So proud of you!! Keep going strong.
I'm a CARBO-HOLIC! DB is my 12 Step Program! Feels good to be back on track
by - 08/13/2015 8:19AM

So let's face it....I AM a CARBO-HOLIC of the very worst kind. Protein does NOT excite me the way th... Read More ›

LaurieAnn and Neil C. like this blog post.

Bonnie K.

I hear you there! Have they started a maintenance program for Diet Bet?

Electric Bill

Hey Gailsy!! I joined another "Summer Fit" program. It was only $10. You know what's weird. I weighed in and my scale said 203...I just weighed out of the last db at 199.6. HOLY CRAP -- 3+ pounds in as many days. Eeeks. --Let's stay in touch. I'll probably do another db after this one. I'm shooting for 190 this time. Not under, but spot-on, 190. A VERY aggressive number to hit, but in going for it, I should hit my target weight for the game. :))
Skipped The Gym - But Soaking Wet For Inaugural Workout and Loving it!!!
by - 07/19/2015 4:15PM

I was heading out to the gym, but changed my mind at the last minute. Decided to hit the pavement in... Read More ›

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Yes walking in the rain was quite an amazing experience Patti. Glad you enjoyed it as well!

Electric Bill

Yeah Gailsy!!I'm going to be signing up for another db as soon as I can access my db winnings from last time. I don't know that I'll be able to join yours in time. I want to join one that I can sign up for, then have a day or so to mentally set-up for the challenge and start fresh. I'm bummed that there's a challenge with my $$, but SO happy that I'm getting $$ rather than the "I almost made it..." stories. I also have some friends that are going to sign up too. They saw my success and want to have some success too. it's AWESOME, because with even more support we'll all have the benefit of excited energy to get us to our goals. Yay!!
Starting From Ground 0 After 2 Years of Diet Betting, But I Forgive Myself
by - 07/19/2015 1:16PM

I won $212 from the first Diet Bet I ever did, "Tales From Team Awesome" It ran from April 29 - May ... Read More ›

Justine U. and Neil C. like this blog post.


Wow... this is the most awesome writing. I could change just a couple small details in it and have written it myself. The main positive I take from it is Diet Bet does work when we really DO it! That inspires me, that we are back and this works for us! The changes back to DB habits don't come overnight... although I have NOT driven thru a fast food since our bet started Fri and I don't intend to. I have gotten out for small hikes the last couple days and this morning. My vacation is going to focus on scenery and God's nature, not food. Thank you Gail.. for being honest and leading the way for myself and others who know DB works for us but wondered away. We are a strong team and the healing has already started. I believe the hard work and discipline of the past is not all for naught. We KNOW how to be successful, have seen it work and have no excuses. By taking the step of joining a DB, being truthful and signing up to encourage each others and being accountable we are already using the lessons learned. It feels so much better walking in the right direction. LEAD ON GAILSY!

Patti J.

Wow is right... I thought I was the only one who went off the side of the wagon... as I kept thinking I was hanging on since I didn't fall out the back... but finally fell all the way of the side... but got back up this very weekend! Thank you for sharing with such honesty!
Gained back almost 50 lbs when I stopped Diet Betting - but back on track!
by - 07/15/2015 7:35AM

So the moment of truth has arrived!!! Just stepped on the scale and weighed in for my 3 new Diet Bet... Read More ›

Val and Terri like this blog post.


Thank you for sharing that.. It is amazing how I've gained back the same.. Our weights right now are almost the same. You motivated me to step on my scale right after reading your post. My number is just a couple different than yours so the universe IS speaking. Joining up your bet when I get home from work.. I don't need to over eat in Yosemite and I'll be hiking.
Gone An Entire Month Without Diet Betting - Feel Like I've Gained 25 lbs!
by - 03/01/2015 6:12PM

The last Diet Bets I was in were just over a month ago. I've been really, really busy at work, which... Read More ›

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Wow...just did my weigh in....I did gain 25 lbs in a month. :( I was hoping that my hunch was incorrect, but I guess I know my body. I haven't stepped on a scale since my last Diet Bet ended a bit over 30 days ago. I guess it is important to at least weigh yourself weekly so the scale doesn't start sneaking up. I have had quite a sweet tooth lately and been eating candy, a lot..something I would haven't done in the past two years. Well hello March....I'm back in the saddle again. At least I'm starting at 168 instead of 219. I've got this!


How are you doing Gailsy? I don't know how I got on here. A few things that are working for me is to ask God to help. Please please please help me! I fast for a day with fruit and water if I am out of control. To me food is an addiction. I hope this is helpful! I pray will pray for you that you will over come!
Play in Up To 3 Diet Bets to Maximize Motivation & Winnings!
by - 01/03/2015 1:19PM

Happy New Year from a veteran Diet Better and congratulations for deciding to get HOLY FIT in 2015!... Read More ›

Colleen A., DJ134 and Kristin like this blog post.


If a person's committed to lose the weight, then, by all means - Go for it!!! I'm in it to win it! This year is the year to get to, and stay at, my weight goal! See you on the skinny side, Gailsy! (and I sure hope dietbet gets the maintenance plan going soon)

Bonnie K.

I also can't wait for maintenance games to start! I'm always better at keeping my weight steady when I know I'm accountable to someone!????????????
HOLY FIT!! - Bat vs. Fat - Thinners R WINNERS! - New DB Game Begins Jan 6
by - 01/03/2015 10:11AM

Keep Going Strong in the New Year! HOLY FIT!!! Join me on a crusade to battle unholy fat by getting ... Read More ›

Enjoy Thanksgiving and then get right back on track!
by - 11/24/2014 7:53AM

Enjoy Thanksgiving and then get back on track right away.Take THE Ultimate Holiday Challenge and Get... Read More ›

Taking the Ultimate Holiday Challenge - Diet Betting During December!
by - 11/06/2014 7:37AM

I am soooooo tired starting off every New Year at least 5 to 10 lbs heavier. I work hard all year to... Read More ›

Katri and Jessica B. like this blog post.


Oooh, this sounds awesome! I was concerned about December so maybe this is what I should be doing...I would love to join your game!


I couldn't agree with you more! I would like to get to the point where I don't have the yo-yo all year long. Apparently I'm known for always being on a diet at work...that's not what I want to be known for. I'm a grown up I should be able to get this under control. I wanted to join your diet bet but I was already in 3 others, each ending a week or 2 later than the other so I could remain accountable for December. I am following along your dietbet by reading the posts from your group and what you post on Jeff's dietbet that I am in. 2 weeks left to make my mini goal for new years which is between 5-7 pounds (the scale was unkind today and up 2 pounds from last week - uurrggg making today's total 7 pounds to go) Hopefully tomorrow it will be back to 5 pounds or less! :)
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