Tough Love Group

680 members $214,465.36 won 1,632.9 lbs

Ana R.

05/26/2020 6:53AM
Hi all!
I have found out that having accountability partners and being a bit tougher on myself. Like when I did keto and really stuck to it.
Now I have found out that keto isn't good for me, but: what are your tips, idea on how to stay motivated?

She Ran Herself FIT

02/07/2018 10:25AM
  • Hey there. I am hosting a DietBet and I want you all to join. My last DietBet paid out $61.25 last month. The name of my next DietBet is "Commit To Being FIT! with SRHF" (She Ran Herself FIT!) and it starts Feb. 12th. I would love for you all to join me on this quest to lose another 4%. -or-

    Also...I have a fitness line of clothing. Please go check me out at and follow me on IG @SheRanHerselfFIT

Kerilyn and Tameka L. like this photo.


01/09/2018 8:06AM
2nd week of the year and you haven't started your resolution yet? Well sign up cause we start this week! I have a $10 amazon gift card for the person who invites the most people to join! (Your invitees MUST join!)


01/07/2018 2:49PM
Hello, I hope this group is still active. I'm CeeCee new to the game and the community thing. not new to quitting.


11/06/2017 12:20PM
Thanksgiving is a time to let loose and enjoy those holiday sweets, the big dinners and of course LEFTOVERS!!! Then, more holiday sweets right up until the New Year comes and so do the weight loss resolutions! Why not kick start that food baby you gained and get rid of that 4% before Christmas Day! This challenge starts right after Thanksgiving and ends so that you can give yourself the gift of a healthier you, some extra cash and a chance at my holiday prizes!!!! Come join my game and my crew! A positive and supportive group with a smaller community of people that actively post and your comments don't get lost in the mix! Share with your friends and sign up today so you can enjoy Thanksgiving knowing you have a plan already set into motion!


11/05/2017 11:43AM
First time participant in the world. I joined a 6 month transformer game that starts November 7th. I think the games will be a good motivation for me.


10/25/2017 6:13AM
Looking for that next DietBet? Join me and my tribe at Nakina's Healthy for the Holidays
Feel free to share and remember The More The Merrier! Let's get through this together and share recipes, tips, or just motivate each other!! JOIN NOW!!!!


10/23/2017 10:57AM
Already in a DietBet? Did you know you could be in up to 3 kickstarters?? So join ours its SCRAMBLED LEGS & ACHIN'
Click below if you are already in a challenge, and it ends around the same time, join for more prizes and cash return!!! I HAVE PRIZES GALORE!!! JOIN US TODAY!!!


10/07/2017 11:02AM
Our game "Weapons of A$$ Reduction" is about to end so that means we are ready for the next challenge!! Check out "Scrambled Legs and Achin" at this link-->
4% in 4 weeks to either kick start your weight loss journey or pick up where you left off and continue pushing to your next goal! $20 entry and lots of chances for participation prizes!!!!! All my participants are finishing a game so no one has signed up yet because they will be using their rewards to pay for the next one! My tribe is on a roll and losing an average 5lbs a game!!! COME JOIN US!!


05/23/2017 9:13AM
I have lost over 100 Pounds! I have also helped thousands of people lose weight. Please JOIN my game starting tomorrow for PRIZES, Daily Motivation, Recipes, Low Calorie Food finds and so much more! Weigh in's are beginning!! Hope to see you there!

Anaria and Heather Dawn like this comment.