I'M SCARED!!! I'm getting a cardiac catherization this morning, & I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for the procedure. 

I was admitted into the hospital on Wednesday, 11/4/15 because I was having chest pain, headache, & elevated blood pressure - 202/96. I had an EKG & stress test done, & they both came back abnormal. The cardiologist told me that I have decreased blood flow to my heart, & this procedure has to be done so they can see where the blockage is (praying they don't find any). It scares me because it's an invasive procedure, & the risks during the procedure are heart attack or death. REALLY??? When the doctor said this, I was like "OH LORD!!! DID I REALLY NEED TO HEAR THAT???" Of course, I said it to myself, but I'm sure my facial expression said it all. Not only that, there's a risk of a tear of an artery with the catheter, getting an air bubble in my lung, or a lung collapse, & more. I wont even talk about the other risks. Hearing about this FREAKED me out, but without the procedure, my condition can get worse. 

I'm scared, but I won't allow fear to stop me from doing it. I KNOW I'M IN GOD'S HANDS!!! I'm waiting for them to get me. Please say a prayer for a sista!!! LOVE YA!!! :-)