I have successfully completed my first DietBet game. I have been thinking about what I have learned through my first challenge, there are three things that are prominent in my musings:

First, looking at where I started, meaning how big I was/am and having a specific end goal was not exactly the most motivating thing. In fact when you look at the lump sum only, in my case it was about a 130 lbs loss, it was mind numbing and seemed impossible. My first 1 month 4% challenge forced me to break my end goal into a chunk, thus letting me see a more realistic and attainable goal. After doing the math if I continue to do 1 month challenges throughout the next year I will accomplish my end goal at the year mark. Which is pretty awesome.

Second, writing these little blogs, kind of like a journal and publishing it publically helps me stay focused on what I am doing. Basically I am stating my goals and actions to the public and as I then have people that may hold me accountable I work hard to accomplish it. On the other end, maybe I am struggling with some turmoil in life that I don’t really feel like talking about with close confidants, but still need to vent and hear feedback, I have found that these little blurbs definitely help.

Lastly, competing against myself is much more motivating than I ever thought it would be. Sometimes it is not an external opponent that is the antagonist in your life, but, very well can be and is ourselves a lot of the time. The challenges made me realize that I must beat the old me to take control of my life.

So my Dietbet friends, here’s to another 30 days of kicking ass!

My name is Travis and I am fat, I am here to heal myself.