With the new month comes new ideas. In one of my self-reflection sessions I had an epiphany occur. I realize that my last Dietbet Game was successful, however, only little changes were made. In fact it just shows how messed up I was if only slight changes in my diet, sleep schedule, and simply more dedication to my workouts could affect the weight loss drop. I got to where I was simply by doing the same things that allowed me to have initial success. Pounding the Iron, eating meat and guzzling sludge that are called meal replacements or protein shakes.

So if I continue with the same thing won’t I end up in the same place? The epiphany was this, yes I will. This brought on new a goal for the new game, an experiment if you will. Change the diet to be more plant based, stop drinking sludge, and instead of working out like I am training for the Strongman competition, work out for enjoyment and life. I still keep my better sleep schedule, I am now eating more of my wife’s raw vegan diet, I still lift weights but not with the same goals in mind. But, instead of doing cardio on a machine, my wife and I wake up and go to the local high school and walk, run, and hit the bleachers. I am loving it.

One may ask then why the slightly negative title to this musing? The simple answer, I am not a morning person. I am a beast when I wake up. On top of my gloomy persona in the AM, I hate socializing when I am working out.

That being said, there are 2 guys and one kid that run laps at the same 4 o’clock hour that Amy and I do. After our 2 weeks of faithful visitation to the oval, one of these guys decided it was time for him to be social. When they were done with their running, he decided to get in my lane and walk straight towards me with his hand in the air. Number 1 not good to come at me in a somewhat threatening way (past training kicks in), number 2 dude I don’t like talking to people, and number 3 my ear plugs are in for a reason!

After the initial growling was done, I realized that maybe this also needs to change, so I pulled out the plugs, gave him the high five he so desperately wanted, and listened to the words he wanted to tell me: “Man I am so proud of you, keep up your diligence. Only a short while back I weighed 350 lbs and now I am running marathons. Keep it up you’ll get there too!”

Boy what a humbling moment for me, first defensive, then flash of anger, and then being softened, proud, and happy! To whoever he is, thanks for the quick affirmation, thanks for breaking me out of my beastly morning mood, and thank you for the motivating moment that has now stuck with me for days.

My name is Travis and I am fat, I am here to heal myself!