Why Do I Question the Journey?

Drew R

03/23/2015 9:18AM
Just wanted to say, you seem like a great person, and motivate others on here so I just wanted to help motivate you too. A lot of people i have coached over the years had trouble with the stress of constant dieting. Enjoy food, but I find a routine (boring) helps make dieting more autopilot, less stressful. If you are burnt out, cut out the workouts for a week, or crock pot the same healthy boring lunch all week. No decisions, anything to help your brain with homeostasis. Autopilot, keeps stress down. Anyway, i'm ranting, but persevere, it's a game you play just yourself, so be smarter and stronger each day, even through failures, you learn more, and as long as you don't give up, you get stronger/smarter and more able to "get to the next level" if you will. Then, define the next struggle you come across, and attack that until you succeed. A break is in no way a failure, if the break is what you need to move forward. ;) Best of luck!

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