Brian S.

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Missy N.

02/07/2024 10:27AM in Holiday Hustle Transformer - Win A Workout Wardrobe!
Today I had to stay home to watch my daughter, so we decided to go to the library. It's a mile, so we opted to walk. Of course, I ended up carrying my 30 pound toddler about 2/3 of the way.

My highest weight was about 30 pounds heavier than I am now. Carrying my daughter, I realized how much extra weight I carried for so long, and how liberated I feel not having that extra baggage. Motivation to keep me going! (and carrying a toddler the better part of 2 miles should count as cardio!)

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Brian S.

I've been at 225 (Currently 185). I regularly work out with 20 pound weights in each hand. It totally winds me to have to stand up with the 20 pound weights and lift them over my head.

Keep strong and motivated!

Michael C.

It is crazy when we think of it that way!
Brian S. has weighed in at 185.4 pounds, down 0.6 pounds
02/07/2024 6:05AM in Holiday Hustle Transformer - Win A Workout Wardrobe!

now at 79% of their goal

Total weight lost is now 609 pounds! Average is 6.3 pounds.

Missy N.

02/04/2024 5:58PM in Holiday Hustle Transformer - Win A Workout Wardrobe!
  • Did meal prep for the week today for lunches. Sweet potato and black bean taco bowls (with a corn salsa) over brown rice.

    Meal prepping helps me by keeping me accountable, counting calories easily, and saving money! Anyone else meal prep?

    I also made salmon teriyaki bowls for dinner (that's the pic). Served over brown rice with edamame, avocado, carrots, and cucumber. I have extra salmon marinating for tomorrow.

Anne , Brian S. , Eli M , Somer C. and Angie G. like this photo.

Somer C.

Sometimes I make extra meat :joy:

Brian S.

Looks delicious!

Brian S.

02/02/2024 6:19AM in Holiday Hustle Transformer - Win A Workout Wardrobe!
  • Week 7: You aren't losing weight.

    This is a harsh reality for me. I look at the scale and see it stop on a number. My mind goes in to solution mode!


    Cut more calories!

    This might seem like the best idea, but sometimes it is not. That's because our weight doesn't just come from fat.


    I know this is something we all probably know but we forget it so easily. Have you ever lost weight and you feel like your body looks exactly the same? This is because your fat/muscle ratio remained relatively similar. Being in an extreme calorie deficit will shrink you down! However it likely won't achieve the body and fitness goals many of us have in mind.


    I highly suggest incorporating some body weight exercises. Pushups are great! If you can't do pushups, do modified pushups. You can do them in your knees or on an incline. You can do partial range of motion to get started. You can do a negative movement (Only controlling your weight downward).


    If you're working out, eating healthy, getting good sleep and the scale isn't moving, you're likely going through a body recomposition. If your ratio of muscle to fat is improving, this requires the adding of weight (Muscle) to your body. Don't fear the scale staying the same if you're doing all the right things. Focus on doing the right things and track more progress than just scale progress.

Anne , Eli M , Mariele S. , Keller and Somer C. like this photo.

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Brian S.

Great work Missy! Just remember that if you're doing everything right, your body might be changing in better ways than losing weight. Strength takes muscle and muscle adds weight.

For this dietbet I have to reach 181.1. It's a bummer to me because I'm reaching a pretty good shape right now after 15 pounds lost. I'm actually trying to not lose weight right now because I want to put on muscle. I've lost weight and got down to 158! I'm 6'3' and let's just say... I didn't look healthy. This time around I'm going for 180 and no lower.

Brian S.

You are right Eli! I've been focusing on calisthenics. Each night I've been trying to improve my form on pike push-ups. My goal is to one day do a handstand push-up but that's probably years away.

Brian S.

01/24/2024 5:54AM in Holiday Hustle Transformer - Win A Workout Wardrobe!
Weekly Update: Don't Give Up!

I think the hardest thing for me is seeing some quick successes. These successes satiate my need to get in better shape. I start to put back in some of my bad habits.

Not exercising
Junk food
Late night eating
Less water

No! I keep reminding myself that I'm going for a lifestyle change and not a diet. Everything I'm doing needs to be sustainable for the rest of my life. It shouldn't feel hard. It should make me feel better!

It does make me feel better. I run up stairs! I sleep better! Bending over doesn't hurt. There are endless ways I feel better around 2 months in to my health journey. I hope to feel even better at the six month milestone here and share update pictures.

Eli M , Keller , Lynne Ani and Somer C. like this comment.

Somer C.

I get a little too relaxed as well. Hit my round 2 goal early, so quit trying so hard. Still ate healthy, but too much. Back to limiting my intake before I get too off track!
Brian S. has weighed in at 186 pounds, down 4.6 pounds
01/19/2024 12:05PM in Holiday Hustle Transformer - Win A Workout Wardrobe!

now at 76% of their goal

Total weight lost is now 528 pounds! Average is 5.4 pounds.

Somer C. has weighed in at xxx pounds, down 1.1 pounds
01/17/2024 12:05PM in Holiday Hustle Transformer - Win A Workout Wardrobe!

Total weight lost is now 519 pounds! Average is 5.3 pounds.

Brian S. likes this weigh-in.

Brian S.

Great work Somer!

Brian S.

01/15/2024 10:07AM in Holiday Hustle Transformer - Win A Workout Wardrobe!
  • Week 6: I've been dieting and working out all wrong.

    This is maybe the 4th time in my life that I've attempted to get in to better shape.

    HIGH SCHOOL: Simply run 100+ miles a week! (Not joking)

    I was a cross country runner on a team that placed at states regularly. It wasn't uncommon for us to literally run a marathon on the weekend to train in the off season. Little did I know it but all this impact did a number on my hips. I started to feel this when I got to college and my hips hurt just walking around.

    COLLEGE: Lift really heavy weights!

    Nothing wrong with lifting but this was all I focused on. I drank, played video games all day, and had a horrible diet. I'd then go to the gym and lift for a bit to add on some muscle. I was stronger but I was tired more often.

    YOUNG ADULT ME: Just don't eat!

    As I reached my adult life, I started to put on a few extra pounds. Well what's the easiest way to lose them? Just don't eat! It worked too well. I went from 6'3 220 to 6'3 155. I reached that point again where I felt less energy and my sleep was off.

    ME NOW: Balance your life and lose weight slowly from everything you've learned.

    About midway through December I realized I was doing it again. I was not eating enough I had dropped from 203 down to 193 in a matter of weeks. My ideal body is lean with muscle around 180 pounds. This is not obtainable if I starve myself and get extremely skinny again. I keep repeating to myself that all then changes I've put in my life are ones I need to sustain for the rest of my life. A slightly calorie deficit of 300 calories should shed around 3 pounds a month. Strength training will hopefully add an addition 0.25-0.5 pound of muscle a month. I keep reminding myself not to focus on the scale and focus on what matters.

    Am I sleeping well?
    Is it easier to move during the day?
    Do I have energy?
    Do I feel happy?

    If the answer to all these are YES then to quote a famous man, "It doesn't matter", what the scale says.

DrJenny , Missy N. and like this photo.

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Eli M

I always feel tired when I loose weight, I thought it was just because my metabolism slowed down to preserve my fat. I've been bad at counting my calories this time around so I don't know what my average deficit is this time around. The times I have counted it has been 500+

Brian S.

I think it's definitely the calorie deficit. I always tell everyone they know their body best so any advice I give is always from my experience and what works for me.

I've been trying to do what is called, "Maingaining". So basically, I only go for a slight deficit. I aim for around 300 but realize with hidden calories and improper measuring of portions, I might be closer to a deficit of 100-200. That's ok.

I want to weigh almost exactly 180. I start just a little over 200. I've never wanted to do "bulks" to gain weight. There are probably around 19 weeks left and if I lose 0.5 pounds of FAT a week, I'll be super excited.

So basically, just trying to lose FAT (and only FAT) very slowly. It's tough... I think my body wants to eat up muscle as it downsizes.

Janine B.

01/15/2024 6:30AM in Holiday Hustle Transformer - Win A Workout Wardrobe!
I'm not making a lot of progress so far, travel, knee injury, family drama all contributed. But I'm determined to keep going.

One of my big challenges recently is eating at night to alleviate physical pain and be able to sleep. Anyone have ideas on what to do instead? I'm already taking the recommended medications.

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Brian S.

Just want to echo Somer's comments. Definitely find a doctor that has you on a plan for recovery where you can see the progress. Since you asked for ideas...

DISCLAIMER: You know your body better than I do.

1) Eating at night may cause more problems than it alleviates. A lot of digestion and heart burn issues can arise when we eat close to bed time. This depends on how late you are eating and what you're eating.

2) To get ideal sleep try to focus on the essentials which are a dark room, sleeping 7-8 hours, sleeping while it's dark out, no music or noise if possible and not eating a few hours before sleep. Ideal sleep is going to be essential to your recovery.

3) If you find that you still need to eat, find healthy alternatives. Popping your own popcorn or drinking water/sparkling water is better than a bowl of ice cream / slice of pizza with a Coke.

Remember that no one is living life perfectly but we can evaluate our current choices for areas of improvement and act on this.

Janine B.

Thanks for your suggestions. It helped also to just articulate what was going on for me to be able to see a new path. Thanks for your virtual listening :)

Eli M

01/12/2024 6:05AM in Holiday Hustle Transformer - Win A Workout Wardrobe!
  • "Think about how healthy you already are."

    I'm working through a 30 day yoga class for beginners, I'm on day 12. We were setting up eagle pose and I don't have the strength and/or flexibility to pull it off. I'm standing there on one leg with my body all wrapped around it's self as best as I can. My mind is focused on I'm not flexible enough to get there, I'm so out of shape... and Eliz says this "... really press down and think about how healthy you already are" what a shift in mindset! I feel like I just had a breakthrough with a therapist. I'm balancing there all twisted up with a "I can't do this mentality" and then there is a shift to "I can almost do an Eagle pose!"

Courtney O. , Somer C. and like this photo.

Brian S.

Great progress Eli!!!

Somer C.

This is great! Thanks for sharing the link. I'm totally going to do this!
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