I have a confession to make: I'M A PEANUT BUTTER-HOLIC!!! LOL!!!

I wrote a blog about my weakness for NUTS, but it didn't cross my mind to write about my addiction to peanut butter until one of our family members mentioned it!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!! LOL!!!

I've got it bad!!! I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER LIKE I LOVE MY NUTS!!! I eat peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, peanut butter on toast, peanut butter on crackers, peanut butter on sliced apples, peanut butter on bananas, & I just eat peanut butter on a spoon!!! IT DOESN'T MATTER!!! I eat peanut butter (especially Peter Pan Peanut Butter - MY FAVORITE) like it's ice cream!!! I can open a jar, get a tablespoon, & then it's a wrap!!! Half the jar is gone!!! I CAN OD ON THE STUFF!!! I CAN'T KEEP ANY IN THE HOUSE!!! I used to buy them when there was a sale (4 jars for $5.00), & I kid you not, those jars would be gone in a matter of 10 days!!! My aunt laughs whenever I talk about how much I love peanut butter!!! She just doesn't understand how a person can eat sooo much of it, & never get sick of it!!! LOL!!!

It's funny though; ever since I started my first challenge in May, 2014, I haven't had any!!! I've eaten nuts from time to time, but I haven't had any peanut butter!!! I'm really proud of myself!!! It has actually been 4+ months since I've had any!!! WOOHOO!!! Don't get me wrong: when I go to the grocery store, I've been tempted, but then I shake my head "no", & keep it moving!!! I know myself: once I start eating it, I'm not sure I can stop. Therefore, I'm just avoiding it at all costs!!! I can eat NUTS, & then pause on it, but peanut butter is different. It almost has like a sweet taste to it, & that's like dessert to me. Oh well.......

Right now, peanut butter would sabotage all of my weight loss efforts; therefore, I won't be eating any for a LONG, LONG TIME!!! As a matter of fact, I'm not even gonna try the PB2 because I may get caught up in the mix & get tempted to buy the real stuff!!! LOL!!!

Well, FAMILY, that's my story............. Thanks to all your love & support, I've been strong enough to hang in there, & DO MY THANG - 31.6 POUNDS LOST & COUNTING!!! THANKS GUYS!!! I REALLY APPRECIATE YOU & EVERYTHING YOU DO!!! :-)

I've got to fight & win this battle, & learn self-control because I LOVE MY PEANUT BUTTER!!! But until then, NO PEANUT BUTTER FOR ME!!! I'LL JUST STICK WITH MY NUTS!!! :-)