Hello DietBet friends,

While sitting here thinking about sharing thoughts in a blog a lot of trepidation and fearful feelings arise. I am finding it dificult to type words regarding what I am beginning now and my weightloss journey. However, I feel that because I have these feelings it is even more proof that I need to do so. Bare with me as I stumble through the first of my meandering thoughts.

I am a life long big guy, sure I have been fit before but I have always been plagued with a big gut. Most of my life I have told myself that the size of my gut didn't matter, as long as I could Bench and Squat un-godly ammounts of weight. Being strong was what my goal was. Unfortunately as I started to age looking fat as oppose to looking strong started to be the norm. I settled into a comfort zone and pretty much hid the mental image of myself with a jolly persona. Though inside was becoming more and more depressed, because I knew I was not healthy and it was my fault. I would watch shows on T.V. and thought maybe I should do that, but, never acted because while I was big, I wasn't that big was I. Man what a pathetic mindset that was. I know that was a negative mindset, however, I have come to realize that I do not need to be on a T.V. show to live like I should, I just need to do it. 

I am a blessed man to be married to a very beautiful woman. She is an inspiration to me. She follows a very strick Raw Vegan diet that I have tried to follow with her but must admit I always cheated on "her diet". Being a big dude that is married to a thin and fit lady definitely motivates me to live more to her standards and following"my diet" instead of her's is the first mental step I need to make. 

Also I am a father to four very awesome kids. If my kids are that awesome, do they not deserve to also have an awesome father? The answer is a very obvious yes.

It is time to admit to myself that I have a problem and to take the steps to correct that. 

Hello DietBetters, my name is Travis and I am fat! I am here to heal myself.