We all go through it, the lack of motivation.  I really thought on this all day.  Why do we lose the motivation to keep going on a path that we know is better for us in the long run?  One thing that really stood out to me, is that when you are on a "diet" you are depriving yourself all sorts of things, from food, time and personal relationships.  Dieting is about drepriving yourself to make a goal.  But what if you changed your mindset to not "dieting" but living a healthy substainable lifestyle.  When you start to understand that you have to make a change in your life that is substainable, you start to think in a whole different way.  Is this something I can do for the long term? A "diet isn't a long term solution to a problem that most of us have had for a very long time.   

We make choices everyday, some good and some bad.  But instead of making a choice to eat less to lose weight, why not make a choice to look at what you want out of life and how you want to be.  Then we you look at food or exercise, you aren't looking at what you are depriving yourself from, you are looking at what you get to enjoy instead.

At times that piece of cake or for you it could be something else, will say yes, but most times when you look at it you will see something that is keeping you from being true to yourself and life goals 

I know for myself if I don't get in shape and start to lose the weight, I will be depriving myself of a joyous, active life that I want to live, so that tempting food isn't so tempting anymore. That sitting on my rear when I get home form work instead of working out won't get me to the healthy active life I want to live.

I few months back I couldn't even enjoy getting together with friends for simple things.  I would be out of breath and not able to keep up even walking from my car to the resturant or any other activity I was suppose to be at.  Now I can walk 4 miles at one time, might not be the fastest but I can do it.  

At first when I started this DB stuff I was thinking about this being a "diet" now it is a lifestyle choice.  So if I want to go out with friends for dinner I can, I just make a different choice on what I am eating.  If I want to have a glass a wine, I will, (I don't like wine) but you get the meaning.  You need to make sure your aren't depriving yourself of things you really want to do,  Just make choices around them. 

I know at times I ramble and don't get the words down correctly, but I hope you all get my meaning.  Don't make this all about weight loss (even through it totally is) but also make it about living a healthy substainable life.