There are many ways to lose weight. The options are endless: books, DVDs, apps, the list goes on. However, don't get seduced by the latest craze if it doesn't work for you.

I tried carb cycling and found that I gained weight so I stopped. In theory, I can see how carb cycling can work and why it's so popular but it just doesn't work for me. Whatever method you choose, use one that caters to you, NOT you catering to it.

Liking a method also plays a big part because chances are you will stick with it a lot longer. A nutrition example for me is Bran Flakes versus Shredded Wheat in terms of breakfast cereal. Shredded Wheat contains no sugar but I really can't eat it every day for more thatn 2 weeks. I prefer Bran Flakes more; it may contain sugar but there's something about the taste and texture I enjoy and it doesn't feel like I'm eating something out of the ordinary.

Even though we are all people, we each have our own preferences. Find those that work and are enjoyable. It will feel a lot more natural and the weight loss journey will feel more automatic.

Own it. Do it. Win it!