When I joined DietBet in May, 2014, I had major struggles when it came to eating peanut butter. I WAS ADDICTED TO THE STUFF!!! LOL!!! Everybody who knows me, knew how out of control I'd become whenever I was around it. If I opened a jar & had one little taste of it, it was a WRAP!!! I'd sit & eat half the jar like it was a pint of Haagen Dazs Dulce De Leche ice cream (LOVE THAT TOO - LOL)!!! 

My addiction was sooo bad I couldn't have any in my house either!!! As I started losing weight, I'd buy a jar & put it in the cabinet to see if I could be strong enough to resist the temptation to eat it, but for a long time it didn't work. I'd be okay for maybe a day or 2; then my mind would start playing tricks on me!!! I'd go in the kitchen as if the peanut butter was calling my name: "Adrienne, come on & have a taste. It's filled with protein!!! One little taste won't hurt!!!" LOL!!! I'd open the cabinet, & even take a sniff of it hoping that would control my urge, but that didn't work either!!! I always ended up over-indulging in it. LOL!!!

I really love peanut butter, & I didn't want to stop eating it entirely, so I started meditating to help me control my cravings. Whenever I wanted some, I'd repeatedly say to myself: I'm only having 2 tablespoons, & THAT'S IT!!!" Over time, it worked!!! YAY ME!!! :-)

I don't have any problems having peanut butter in my house anymore. I can buy a jar, & sometimes it's in the cabinet for 2-3 weeks before I decide to have some!!! :-)

Now, I just have to get over my addiction to NUTS!!! Once I start eating them, I don't know how to stop!!! LOL!!! I'm getting better though. Instead of eating them every day, I'll have some at least once a week or once every 2 weeks!!! I may OD on them, but once I eat them, I'm good for a while... Hey, we're all a work in progress!!! Change takes time!!! :-)