Even though in the back of my mind I've known that I needed to lose some weight, it has taken some time for the rest of me to get on board with the idea. During these months, I came to terms with how I look right now. Yes, I was (still am) overweight, but that doesn't mean I need to blend into the background. A few months ago, I came across an online store which sells plus sized clothes that I actually like. I started by ordering a couple of pairs of skinny jeans. OMG, skinny jeans on ME?! I was happy when I received them and found that I would be comfortable wearing them in public. And so it began, I bought more pants and more tops - many of which are in bright colours. No more trying to hide in the background by wearing black clothes and big sweaters. Bit by bit, a new me came out when I dressed in the morning. I hadn't lost a speck of weight and yet I felt much better about myself. I felt more polished, more professional, more confident. Once the wardrobe had transformed, I realized that I wanted to do even more: nail polish, lipstick instead of lip balm. And then came the hair. I'll come clean and admit that for the better part of 6 years, I was a messy bun girl. I quick twist of the hair and a quick flick of the elastic and I was done. One day I decided to watch a couple of Youtube hair styling videos for tips on how to properly blowdry my hair. Well folks, I'm pretty sure I earned a PhD in Youtube hairstyling that day because I watched a lot of them. And now I come to work with fancy hair. I feel great.

But now I've got a problem. This thing with buying new clothes online - it's got to stop. I'm losing weight. I can feel a difference in the skinny jeans I've got on now. And so I've officially decided that I will not buy a single article of clothing until my current wardrobe starts looking a little too large. I don't want to spend unnecessary money (who does?) on something that I'll only wear for a few months.

So here's to looking great everyday no matter what!