Fatgirlfedup's Spring Slimdown Dietbet

Lose 4% in 4 weeks!

Fatgirlfedup's Spring Slimdown Dietbet

Mar 20 - Apr 16/Game has ended
Hosted by Lexi
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Mar 20





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Game Begins

Mar 20

Last Day to Join

Apr 02

Final Weigh-In

Apr 17 - Apr 18


Bet $35

to start

Lose 4%

in 4 weeks


Split the pot

How do you verify the weight loss?

For all official weigh-ins, you'll be prompted to submit your official starting weight. Our standard weigh-in process involves you submitting 2 photos: one of you standing on a scale in lightweight clothing (no shoes, hats, belts, watches, coats, or outerwear), and another of the scale’s readout with your weigh-in word written on a piece of paper.

What you'll need

  • A scale (preferably digital)
  • A digital camera or smartphone
  • A full-length mirror or someone to take your photo
  1. Privacy FAQ +
  2. How we prevent cheating +

Does this actually work?

Out of 1,039,224 DietBetters, 93.31% have lost weight during their challenges. Combined, they've lost 19,545,927 lbs and won $101,121,996. In other words...yes.

All results shown on DietBet are from actual users. Individual results may vary.

Don't take our word for it

Julie E.

03/27/2024 8:53AM
Good afternoon, I'm looking for meal ideas for this Saturday. My son plays 🏈 and his game is an away game this Saturday so we'll be out of the house from about 9-5. I need a quick easy filling breakfast for the family. Lunch that can go in the cooler for before or after the game and a quick easy dinner for when we get back home after being on the road and in the sun all day. I'll be exhausted and very tempted to hit a drive through. I'm doing great so far. I've reached 57% on my goal for this challenge and really don't want to let one day derail me. Thanks for any ideas. I've got a family of 4 to feed. Hubby, 2 teen boys and myself.

Shannon L. , Lori M. and like this comment.

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Julie E.

Melissa I didn't even think about the protein shake and that's actually a regular breakfast for me. And I do plan on making them sandwiches, all the healthier options you came up with are great ideas, thank you!

Shannon L.

If you mix yogurt with fruit and freeze it the night before, it's a great snack later in the day when it is defrosted.

Veggie wrap with hummus, cut into pinwheels. Use low calorie spinach wrap, spread plain hummus on it (I like to sprinkle this with a little cayenne) top with very-thinly-sliced veggies like cucumber and bell pepper, maybe aff sprouts (or whatever fresh veggies you like). Roll up and slice. Delicious and fancy!

And drink lots of plain water!

I say plain hummus because any additives mean they are also adding fats and sugars. Skip those extras and flavor it yourself with spices and veggies.

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