april d.

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05/02/2024 6:41AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $10,000 in prizes!
Sigh…I finally made it by the skin of my teeth after two liquid days. Next month I only have to lose 2 more pounds so prayerfully that’s not so painstaking. It’s hard when you make all the right choices and your body doesn’t cooperate. I joined initially because every Christmas I tend to bloat up, and this year I did more-so than usual. Despite my best efforts, my body has been fighting tooth and nail to hang on to every last pound. I have fought the weight-loss battle my whole life, and generally when I’ve done certain things, my body gets in line and cooperates…more and more that’s not the case. I would like to shave off another 5-10 pounds and sustain that, while my ultimate goal has always been an extra 25, I’m not sure my body’s going to let me see that shy of literally starving myself. I know I’m the only one putting this pressure on myself, but it’s just so hard when you work hard and don’t feel like you’re making progress. One day at a time….

Deanna D. , WayBetter Kristin and like this comment.

Monti A.

Don't forget to adjust your calories as you lose weight. The less we weigh, the less "maintenance" calories we need. And to lose weigh, we need to be below that of course.

So we have to keep lowering our calories consumed constantly. On top of that, when your body starts to realize it's not getting a lot of calories, your body stops using as many calories too, sort of a hibernation state...so you have to get lower calories than THAT too!

You got this!

april d.

Are you over 40 years old? I am having luck with SVELTE training - specifically designed for boosting pre menopausal/post menopausal metabolism. You can find the program online.

Andrew C.

05/01/2024 8:58AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $10,000 in prizes!
Gained half a pound this month, but still came in under goal. Need to shake a few things up to hit the target!

Deanna D. , Shelby B. and like this comment.


Congratulations on your round win!! You can do it. Mindset is everything!

april d.

Could have been muscle! Try lots of sleep and adding more water?

Phyllis H.

01/15/2024 1:11PM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $10,000 in prizes!
What are your best weight loss tips?

Annie , Aedera and like this comment.

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For me ot is also tracking my food. And even more important my drinks.


Track calories accurately. Eat mostly homemade, whole foods.