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about 3 hours ago in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $10,000 in prizes!
Sigh…I finally made it by the skin of my teeth after two liquid days. Next month I only have to lose 2 more pounds so prayerfully that’s not so painstaking. It’s hard when you make all the right choices and your body doesn’t cooperate. I joined initially because every Christmas I tend to bloat up, and this year I did more-so than usual. Despite my best efforts, my body has been fighting tooth and nail to hang on to every last pound. I have fought the weight-loss battle my whole life, and generally when I’ve done certain things, my body gets in line and cooperates…more and more that’s not the case. I would like to shave off another 5-10 pounds and sustain that, while my ultimate goal has always been an extra 25, I’m not sure my body’s going to let me see that shy of literally starving myself. I know I’m the only one putting this pressure on myself, but it’s just so hard when you work hard and don’t feel like you’re making progress. One day at a time….

Andrea , Michelle F. and like this comment.

Monti A.

Don't forget to adjust your calories as you lose weight. The less we weigh, the less "maintenance" calories we need. And to lose weigh, we need to be below that of course.

So we have to keep lowering our calories consumed constantly. On top of that, when your body starts to realize it's not getting a lot of calories, your body stops using as many calories too, sort of a hibernation state...so you have to get lower calories than THAT too!

You got this!

april d.

Are you over 40 years old? I am having luck with SVELTE training - specifically designed for boosting pre menopausal/post menopausal metabolism. You can find the program online.


05/01/2024 7:13AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $10,000 in prizes!
Ugh…less than 2lbs away again. Doing another liquid day in hopes of hitting it. Been working super hard the whole time and my body just doesn’t want to drop. I really regret doing this bet. I have put too much pressure on myself. I’ll be glad when it’s over…

Mandy H A. , WayBetter Kristin and like this comment.

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Starr L.

Some Progress is progress, you'll get there


Alexandra said it spot on!! It’s about what you’ve accomplished thus far. Keep going and stay focused.


05/01/2024 6:07AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $10,000 in prizes!
I missed by less than a pound again. Next month I should be caught up I hope. So close!

Mandy H A. , WayBetter Kristin and like this comment.


Still can weigh in tomorrow….


04/02/2024 4:36AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $10,000 in prizes!
I didn’t make it, but I won’t view this month as a loss. My body finally started cooperating again, and after being leagues away from last month’s goal, I caught up and missed this month by 1.5 pounds. The next goal is only 4 pounds away, with the ultimate goal 6 pounds down. Sure, the extra $$ would’ve been nice, and I busted my tail this past couple weeks to try to get there, but I refuse to view this as anything but a victory.

We’re all in this for the long game!

Kelli , Shelby B. and like this comment.

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Ashley P.

Same here!! March was rough and I missed it by 1.4 lbs! But I still lost some so I’m not giving up!!! I’m about the same numbers as you and it’s definitely doable!! We got this!!!

Jennifer B.

Yes!!! Go you! That’s such a great mentality, and you are on the right track to hit all the future milestones. I’m excited for you!


02/28/2024 6:06AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $10,000 in prizes!
My body still hates me….I’ve been focused all month, fitness has been happening and nutrition on point…and the scale is still 5.5 away from this month’s goal with my cycle a couple days behind not helping the matter. I know this is all about consistency over time, it’s just hard not to be frustrated.

Deanna D. , WayBetter Kristin and like this comment.

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Bree K.

I’m in the same boat, the scale hasn’t moved at all this month, and I have been very consistent. It’s very frustrating. But I suppose we just have to keep going and trust the process! Here’s to next month!

Lani T.

I hear you! Its super frustrating to be putting in the work and not getting the expected results. Do you journal your food? Maybe the community can help...


02/15/2024 9:04AM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $10,000 in prizes!
My body is not cooperating these days. I know the scale is a liar, but it’s still quite frustrating. My nutrition has been good, workouts have been happening, and scale is hovering between .5 and 1.5 up from my February check in. Which means I’m between 7-9 pounds from my March goal. I feel like I’m putting pressure on myself because of this DietBet, but I’m also trying not to be discouraged.

Candace B. , Mira N and like this comment.

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I’m sorry- I wrote this comment under the wrong DietBet game- it was supposed to go under a kickstarter. For this one I’m doing good because my weight was coming off quickly the first 3-4 weeks. But now it’s slowed down considerably even though I’m doing the same thing. Over the past week or so, it will stay the same or it’s a .2. Today I lost 1.4. So, I think we should just continue on with the plan that has been working and our bodies will release the weight when it’s ready. Also, I realize that the early big drops are not going to continue as I continue in my weight loss journey and I cannot let the slower weight loss discourage me.

Tara E.

The very first week of the first round I basically just dropped about 5lbs like it was nothing. Just from not being bloated I guess. But you only get one of those! The first two weeks of February I stayed on track and saw less than half a pound of change on the scale (and I do weigh myself daily). Then today, out of nowhere, I'm now down another 1.5lbs, just when I was getting kinda frustrated. Maybe you too just need that two weeks before it drops. Don't get discouraged, don't give up, just keep going. If you're doing okay with your tracking and your tracking says you should be losing, have patience and don't stress out about it- it'll come.

Remember why you signed up, too! Did you sign up to win money? I didn't, I signed up because I wanted to make progress! If you're making progress, don't beat yourself up about not doing it fast enough or if you're fluctuating a bit, you're getting closer to your goal so you are doing great!

WayBetter Kristin

01/28/2024 11:00PM in Make the New Year Magic Transformer - $10,000 in prizes!
  • We're just days away from that first weigh-in for this game!

    I wanted to take a minute to get a pulse check from everyone. Let us know how you are feeling, if you have any questions about the upcoming weigh-in.

    Feel free to ask here, but please reach out to support@waybetter.com if you have any urgent questions come up. I also want to remind you that we have a fantastic document just for this game with all your frequently asked questions. It's a great resource and almost all questions asked are already in it, so be sure to checkout the 2024 Make the New Year Magic Transformer FAQs.

    As we approach the weigh-in, I also want to remind everyone that the winnings this round will include only half of all players' monthly bet amount. The other half goes towards our final pot at the end!

    This game, and the first month especially, is historically fantastic in terms of the number of winners. We love to see it! That means a lot of your friends here are losing weight and meeting their goals. It also means that there are a large number of players splitting the pot. To maximize your winnings, stay committed and on track throughout the game to win each round and the final pot!

    Again, let us know any and all thoughts, concerns, or wins as we approach our first weigh-in! Check out the FAQ page if you haven't already, set an alarm for weigh-in, and get ready! You've got this!

Deanna D. , Jacque S. and like this photo.

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What is the loss/earning potential per round? I’ve bloated up something terrible and while I won my kickstarter am not looking good to win this round.

WayBetter Kristin

Sorry I'm late seeing these! (All are answered in the linked FAQs and some again here in the comments, though, so hopefully that helped!)

Jennifer, Nyxx, and FittoliveRenata: only approved weigh-ins can be reused within 48 hours. Since it doesn't show that you're a member, that would include a weigh-in for another game.

Jessica C: It's always open by 12:30 am PST on the 1st of each month. (I'm not sure why it always seems to be about 10-15 minutes after midnight)

Michelle: There are usually many winners in Round 1 and all of them split the pot, which includes half of all bets for the month. The other half of the bets goes toward the final pot. You'll be OK if you miss one or even a few of the Round weigh-ins, and can still make your money back or more!