Claire G.

Quick Facts

DietBet Winnings: $750.55

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TIME PERIOD: All 1-Year 60-Days 30-Days
Unofficial Weigh-InVerified Weigh-InDietBet Runner-UpDietBet WinnerRound WinnerRound Runner-Up
-1.5% Since last weigh-in-2.2 lbs
-4.1% 1-Month Change-6.4 lbs
-5.9% Lifetime Change-9.3 lbs

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Alison R.

04/26/2024 8:46AM in Instant Loss Spring Into Wellness
Has anyone committed to a transformer dietbet? 6 months seems like a really long time to me. I'm sure it would depend on the members and how involved the host is?!
Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks

Christine J , mydbveryeasy and like this comment.

Cindy D.

Hey there - six months is a long time, but the pace is slower and more manageable. It also helps keep me motivated over the long haul. You can pay all up front and save one month’s worth of fee, or pay monthly and drop out if it’s not going well.

I find that the longer games have less activity participation, so I like to be in both the short and the long games at the same time. If I can win a short game I am certain to hit the long games monthly goal.

I’m in two six month games right now and am making good progress. I’ll be on vacation next month and have a 2% goal to hit which feels more manageable, particularly since I’m a little ahead coming into month 3 since I did kickstarters in the first two months.

Claire G.

I’ve done a couple successfully. In fact it’s the kick-starters I seem to have more trouble with. When I do a transformer I do 3 weeks on and a week off and that seem to work for me. Also I have three meal plans for the 3 weeks on rotation so I don’t get bored of the same stuff. I get into a routine and my body seems to get what I’m doing.

Traci S.

04/19/2024 6:45AM in Instant Loss Spring Into Wellness
Phew! The scale was stuck all week but finally dropped. 95% to my goal with 9 days left! I got this! Feels so good to be back on track.

Christine J , mydbveryeasy and like this comment.

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Traci S.

You got this Aditi! Don’t give up!

Claire G.

That just happened to me!

Claire G.

04/18/2024 6:50AM in Instant Loss Spring Into Wellness
  • It’s a sad day when your vitamin gummy is what you look forward to as an after meal treat. 😂

Christine J , mydbveryeasy and like this photo.

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I did keto for over 5 years. I loved my gummy multivitamin :joy:

Cindy D.


Claire G.

04/15/2024 1:35AM in Instant Loss Spring Into Wellness
I’m really struggling. We’re half way through and I’m only 27%. Which isn’t even 2lbs. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I guess I need to be even more strict with myself. 😔

mydbveryeasy , Kristina G. and like this comment.

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Sara Elizabeth

There’s two parts to this advice, first if you are in a true deficit just be patient. I spent the last three days at the exact same weight…after two weeks of slowly slowly losing. This morning the scale jumped down two pounds (this is both after a lag and because I have 50+ to lose)

The second bit of advice isn’t helpful for winning the game, but that is less important than your long term physical health. And that is to maybe look at where you are if you are close to your goal. I don’t know you so I am just throwing out examples but if you are a 200 pound female then definitely just stay the course. But if you are 5’6 and 150 trying to get to 145…maybe 150 is your bodies happy spot. If hunger is causing you to “overeat” daily maybe either you are done losing OR you need to raise your deficit some to help the hunger. For example if you are eating 1500 and constantly hungry so you snack 500 calories worth you could try eating 1700 and really fit lots of fruits and veggies with that 200 to really bulk up your meals but still be eating less then when you get snacky.

Claire G.

This is good advice. The scale did jump 1.5 lbs this morning and I’m now 47% to my goal. But yes, from other times I’ve dieted I’ve found that I level off even when I’m in deficit. It’s been lovely getting everyone’s support and advice. That has also motivated me. Xxx


04/14/2024 9:49AM in Instant Loss Spring Into Wellness
I’m down 6lbs- the first 4 lbs came off quickly-probably water weight. Now, I need to lose 2.9 more - getting nervous but pushing through. I joined a Stepbet to keep my steps up. I really need to stay focused on being in a calorie deficit for the next 2 weeks. We got this!

mydbveryeasy , Kelly T. and like this comment.

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Amanda C.

Way to go!

Cindy D.

I’m making good progress but still have some distance to go too to get there. I keep thinking how good it will feel to get there!!