Why do we always go on vacation & overindulge in foods we KNOW could sabotage all of our weight loss efforts??? Is it because of all of the temptation around us??? Do the people who you go away with pressure you to not worry about your diet & say "Just Eat!!! You're on vacation & you should enjoy yourself"! Or what???

I just got back from Grenada a couple of days ago, & I had a blast!!! I really enjoyed myself, but I really enjoyed the food!!! I think I enjoyed it too much!!! LOL!!! The biggest mistake I made was not taking my scale with me. If I had my scale with me, I would have been more conscious of what I was eating, & I would have made the necessary changes to keep myself accountable for my actions. I had every intention of bringing it along, but I forgot to pack it.

Although my sister, brother, & nephew were proud of my weight loss accomplishments, they didn't encourage me to stay focused on my diet; they just said that I should eat, drink, & enjoy my vacation. My sister lives in Georgia, & since we both love to eat, wherever we went, when she ate, I ate!!! (Oh, by the way, she's a size 6-8 - she lost 50 pounds!!!) If she wanted to try the desserts, I was right behind her. I had a choice. I could have said that I was going to continue to stay focused, but I wanted to EAT!!! I could have had a "treat meal" instead of cheating the whole time, but I wanted to eat whatever I wanted without any restrictions. I've been focused on my diet since my first challenge began 5/6/14, & I felt that I deserved it. All I can say is "Oh well". I did it to myself. I just didn't want to pass up on anything. Now I just have to deal with it.

Now, I'm back on track. I'm drinking my hot lemon water, loading up on plenty of fluids, & eating clean. No one sabotaged me; I did it to myself, & now I have to pay the price of not reaching my weight loss goal for one of my 6-month challenges. Hard lesson well learned, but I have no regrets.

One day, I'll get it right.....................................